
How would Trump influence foreign game devs?

Started by November 09, 2016 07:20 AM
12 comments, last by Promit 7 years, 10 months ago

It's not a problem. You have to pay VAT in Europe (the closest thing in US jargon would be "sales tax" except it's a much bigger fraud and country-wide).
Who pays for it? Surely not the game developer.
So... if (note: "if") the USA come up with a special tax for foreign products, it will just mean that the US citizens will have to pay a little more.

The VAT cost is added onto the retail price, and then withheld by steam. This does impact the dev because game prices are largely elastic - double the price and you sell half as many copies, halve the price and you sell double - so the increase due to VAT should result in lower sales.
Note that this is based on the location of the customer though, not the developer. If I sell a game from my own website to an EU citizen, I have to collect and withhold VAT for whatever country that customer is in. It doesn't matter if my store is based in Austin, Austria or Australia.

Also, it often is paid out of the developer's pocket somewhat. VAT percentages vary greatly per region, but often businesses want to charge a single price for all regions, say 30 euros. This means that the dev will make more/less money depending on which country the customer is in, as different percentages are withheld...
As usual, the EU doesn't give a shit about how impractical this scheme is...

It's actually pretty good for Steam devs, anyway. Lower tax (supposedly) and all that.

That's good for steam, but has zero impact on (most) foreign devs.
e.g. as posted earlier, my steam earnings are not touched by the IRS.

US Dollar will fall down... Bad news for Euro.

The Euro isnt pegged to the USD, they float seperatly from each other, so the USD dropping shoulnd't have a dramatic effect on the Euro. Just means EU and EU produced goods got more expensive for USians.

If USD fall down, Euro will increase for USA customer, so European export to USA will suffer. Euro power will rise again, which is bad for export. Yes, shit economic things. The same is happening for GPP - Euro, though the UK market is smaller (but at least I will buy some new books from Amazon uk next year for my bday D:)
"Recursion is the first step towards madness." - "Skegg?ld, Skálm?ld, Skildir ro Klofnir!"
Direct3D 12 quick reference:

I know other people who have cancelled GDC tickets after seeing the sharp uptick in racial abuse following his win...

Just a reminder (stupid_programmer, phantom) that personal insults are not allowed. Keep it civil please.

- Jason Astle-Adams


I've cleaned up the thread a bit. Don't make me do it again.

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