why are every person here talking about legal stuff even when I've explicitly said that the topic is not about that part
It's like watching someone holding a gun and putting the barrel into his mouth while saying: "Shis ish perfectly shafe, I'ffe sheen people do that". You just can't help shouting: "Nooooo... don't do it".
But anyway all transactions are served via licensed banks, so what's the difference?
You want a fee, so obviously it's not customer A at bank AA transferring to customer B at bank BB. In order for you to harvest your "little fee", you must collect the money, and pass it on (minus a little fee).
There you go, that's the problem. Not
all transactions are served via licensed banks.
You also don't seem to realize what kind of a problem you're steering at regardless of some silly regulations. We're not talking about having to pay a fine. The worst thing is not even being sentenced a prison term. The worst thing that can conceivably happen is spending a couple of months in a stress position with a sack over your head
without trial.
Let's say I am Sheik Mustafa Al Whatevah and I need to send $100,000 to my Holy Warriors in the USA so they can buy weapons and assassinate some people. I can't do the transfer via a regular bank because that sum will immediately trigger every alert, the money will be seized, and the account owner will be audited. Also, my country is officially an "ally", so I wouldn't want to make it so obvious.
I'd have to do a few thousand small transactions which is tedious, and the flood of transactions might also be suspicious... also, I know that they're already watching me and my known accounts, so I would need to hire three dozen straw men, and it would take weeks... awwww man, this is hard.
Now, luckily there is this game
which isn't a bank and which will happily transfer my money anyway. Formally I'm buying a couple of in-game items from another player. That's not much different from buying WoW gold from a Chinese gold farmer, right? Nobody suspects a thing.
Maybe I'll play safe and do it in 10 transactions with 2 or 3 accounts, just to be 100% sure that nobody gets suspicious.
The other "player" (the terrorist) gets the money from you. Some guy gets a couple of payments from some internet firm. Why not, happens every day, not suspect. No alarm bells go off. The boys have their money, they buy guns and kill a hundred people. Enter the governmental agencies.
Do we know these guys? Did any alarm bells go off? Do we know where the money came from? No. But where
did that money come from? Let's see... a guy named "norlin" sent them alltogether $98k last week, in several smaller transactions. Well, that's interesting.
What do you think will happen to you? Do you really believe this is not a problem? I'd watch the sky for drones and lock the doors really tight at night. Better yet, get a facelift, change your name, burn all personal possessions, and move to another country, preferrably Antarctica.