
This is a joke! (US Presidential Election Thread)

Started by October 31, 2016 12:15 AM
209 comments, last by rip-off 7 years, 10 months ago
"It hasn't happened recently?" Look at this. Please read EVERY post in that list before commenting. Choice quotes:

I have a scarf on. Passed by someone on the platform today and he says, "Your time's up, girlie."

Not even 24 hours yet. My friend's sister, who is Muslim, had a knife pulled on her by a Trump supporter while on the bus by UIUC campus.

Today I was harassed by an older white man who presumed I was Mexican. "I can't wait until Trump asks us to rape your people and send you back over the damned wall we're going to build. Go back to hell, wet back." After saying all of that, he threw the water in his cup in my face, gave me the middle finger, and ran off...

I asked this girl to repeat herself and she says "Aren't you supposed to be sitting in the back of the bus? Like Trump is president!"

Do you believe me now? Does anyone honestly believe that all or even any of these are "false accusations?"

Trump said it's a "hoax", in the sense that the problem doesn't even exist. It's something not real that some people just try to convince us that it's real.

I can't find the word "hoax" on the tweet you linked to. What I'm seeing is this:

The concept of global warming was created by and for the Chinese in order to make U.S. manufacturing non-competitive.

That's admittedly a somewhat funny statement (it's the kind of thing I'd expect to hear from someone wearing a tinfoil hat), but it is not altogether wrong if you care to forget about "Trump is an idiot, I hate him and everything he says" for a minute. Let's look what's really written there, not words that aren't there (such as "hoax").

The key points in this statement are:

  • Global warming is a concept. This may be understood as "obviously wrong", but it may also be understood "technically correct". There is no such thing as "global warming", there is "global climate change". In some regions, it acutally gets colder, winters get harder, seasons shift, more rain falls, or none at all, storms, whatever. Something big is definitively happening, it is global and it's not changing for the better, but global warming is a wrong term. Thus, from a certain point of view, you can say this calling it "concept" is a valid thing to do. Now, we can discuss whether Trump had this elaborate reasoning or was just blubbering, but in the end it's all conjecture. We don't know. It is also possible that he confused "climate change" with "climate protocol". This would acutally make sense with the third point below.
  • It was created by and for the Chinese. I am not sure what the "for" part means (that one is a bit absurd, it's not like it's a good thing), but "by" is certainly correct. China is the number 1 contributor (followed by the USA) to the climate change. You could argue that "for" may be meant in a sense "they get what they deserve", since China is among the places where some of the effects are rather pronounced (though not as much as in some parts of Africa).
  • In order to make U.S. .... paranoia anyone? But seriously, this is a post on a populist tweet, what did you expect. Of course, China is deliberately polluting only to damage the U.S.A., why would anyone do such a thing otherwise! Or maybe, he means to say that the climate protocol ("the concept"?) that Obama signed makes the US less competitive.
  • make U.S. manufacturing non-competitive. This fragment is actually true again, at least to some extent. "non-competitive" is probably too much exaggerated, but "less competitive" is certainly true. An industry that has to pay attention to emissions is less competitive than an industry which gives a fuck about everything.

So... what's really in that quote? A bit of paranoia/xenophobia, some exaggeration and a slight twist on truth, but overall it's not totally untrue (no more untrue than most things the Clintons say!). And above all, it doesn't say the climate change is a hoax. It has a bit the tinfoil hat smell, yes... but the tinfoil hats are also an important voter base.

While I'm not overly happy that Trump plans not to respect the climate protection agreements (remains to be seen if he really goes that far, though), I can nevertheless understand his reasoning (or at least I believe so, I obviously don't know!). Controlling emissions costs money, and the USA are broke. Also, being good to the environment is not precisely a US tradition, although I'll give you that they are slowly, very slowly getting better (I remember 30 years ago, when you asked why there was no thermostat element on the air conditioning, you would be told : "Yeah, if it gets too cold you can open a window").

He is planning to "make America great again", whatever this means, Surely, adding a lot of extra expenses isn't helping when your pockets are already empty.


No.. the meaning behind that tweet is very clear for anyone who is a native English speaker... it is spreading the idea that global warming isn't a thing, and it was only invented to get at the USA (implying the USA isn't as a great as it was because the nasty Chinese invented this idea in order to stop them.)

There is no twisting.
No rewording.
No justification for anything but that.

End of.

An Israeli Cabinet minister has called for a renewed wave of settlement construction now that President-elect Donald Trump is signaling an end to longstanding White House opposition to the settlements.
Science Minister Ofir Akunis told Army Radio Thursday that, "We need to think how we move forward now when the administration in Washington, the Trump administration and his advisers, are saying that there is no place for a Palestinian state."
Earlier, Jason Greenblatt, one of Trump's advisers on Israel, told Army Radio that Trump doesn't believe settlement activity should be condemned and doesn't view the settlements as an obstacle to peace with the Palestinians.
Multiple U.S. administrations have condemned any construction on land captured by Israel in the 1967 war — land that Palestinians want for a future state.

Well.. that's the Middle East finally fucked then.... good job guys!

I also note you plan to start burning all the fossil fuels again... coal and gas for everyone!

If you voted Trump you've officially fucked us all... well done... hope you are proud you utter cockwombles.
I have a scarf on. Passed by someone on the platform today and he says, "Your time's up, girlie."

From huffington post/bbc editor who writes anti-trump pieces, as well as pieces about racism in the world

I remain skeptical until proven/police verify them. Another quote from the same person.

“My sister just sent me this:

There are people on the bus who support trump and they said ‘can’t wait to get on a bus soon and see only one color’ ‘trump will finally take them out’

Have you ever been on a NYC public bus? I have, everyone's too scared to say anything in case there's a crazy guy on board.

This is something that I can say is almost guaranteed to be fake, especially when combined with the above statement happening in the same period.

Not even 24 hours yet. My friend's sister, who is Muslim, had a knife pulled on her by a Trump supporter while on the bus by UIUC campus.

Official police response

@amyharvard_ This has not been reported to police. If you are in contact with anyone involved, please encourage them to give us a call.

Threatened with a knife with no police report, huh? She then said she would send a police report, and never did.

Today I was harassed by an older white man who presumed I was Mexican. "I can't wait until Trump asks us to rape your people and send you back over the damned wall we're going to build. Go back to hell, wet back." After saying all of that, he threw the water in his cup in my face, gave me the middle finger, and ran off...

I don't have a facebook so I can't look at the messages, but again, high levels of doubt until anything's brought to the police/investigated. An old guy coming up and giving a long speech, throwing something in her face, and walking away? At a first glance I don't buy it. Old people don't really throw shit in people's faces and run..

I read most of them. Know what I didn't find? A valid police report that has any leads/evidence of injury.

Take a look at those people's twitter profiles and you'll see several media requests for paid interviews.... And you wonder why people are so skeptical of the media? They manufacture victims by giving attention/money.

There's SO many fake accusations flying aroudn right now and I can't find a single legitimate one which appears to have actually happened/look like a hate crime. Virtualy all of these are coming from people who write for media outlets against Trump/have had anti-trump propoganda plastered all over their facebook profile for 12 months/choose now to submit a police report.

Even the most credible seeming one (2 seperate attacks against Hijab wearing Muslims on 2 seperate school campuses) is fishy as fuck, and sounds like a normal roberry (Also, it was commited by a Hispanic supposedly).

If it's true, I hope they catch the purpotrator/throw the book at them... But, what does this have to do with Trump? Car jackings/roberries are kind of common place in larger city areas in the USA.

I'd recommend checking them out with the reddit /r/thatHappened/. They're pretty good about finding inconsistencies/bullshit.

Anyway, all I'm trying to say is that there IS a lot of bullshit/fake stories going around, I'm sure we can agree (Not speaking to the validity of any of these ones here). So it makes sense to have a healthy doubt unless there's a lot of evidence/a complete police report. We're simply not going to know factually if crazies will begin a purge-style anti-minority campaign for at least a year, so there's no point speculating now.

What's the typical time frame for social media internet trends? When Blaming trump for things wears off, I'd be willing to bet these stories are going to stop.

I have a scarf on. Passed by someone on the platform today and he says, "Your time's up, girlie."

From huffington post/bbc editor who writes anti-trump pieces, as well as pieces about potential race issues in the world

I remain skeptical until proven/police verify them. Some other quotes

“My sister just sent me this:

There are people on the bus who support trump and they said ‘can’t wait to get on a bus soon and see only one color’ ‘trump will finally take them out’

Have you ever been on a NYC public bus? I have, everyone's too scared to say anything in case there's a crazy guy on board.

This is something that I can say is almost guaranteed to be fake, especially when combined with the above statement happening in the same period.


I read most of them. Know what I didn't find? A valid police report that has any leads/evidence of injury.

Because clearly, if nobody told the police, it didn't happen.
And clearly, EVERY police report will lead to an investigation, and every one of those investigations will actually lead to someone being charged.
And clearly, making a police report in each and every one of these cases will have enough evidence for them to do something and therefore is not completely pointless.

I'm not going to bother if you're going to refuse to even entertain the thought that any of this is happening and assume that every bad story is a lie.
Just because we hold that a person is "innocent before guilty," doesn't mean that we must disbelieve that the crime happened until proven otherwise.
You can add to the file the cousin of someone I know who was congratulated, because of her 6 blonde hair and blue eye children, on bringing up the Arian race as Hitler and Germany would be so proud. The man in question then went on to say how she should have 5 more, and said how Trump was blonde and blue eyed and she should be proud they are the chosen race.

Everything around it, however is a hoax. And I'll insist on that. Kyoto meeting, Paris meeting, you name them. Or any of the stupid things we are forced to do "because climate". There is no real interest in stopping this climate change, nor is there any real understanding. There's only zealots on one side and people who couldn't care less on the other side.

The global warming is a disbalance of carbon dioxide- alkane/oxygen cycle (on multitudes of causes). The fact that flora of world produces less oxygen from CO2 than before is not adressed yet, the fact that see and oceans produce less oxygen and instead CO acidize (other acids as well) is not adressed, the only thing that could have been adressed, is, the large factories establish more effective burning by making them pay for the polution they emit- as for a measure, and possibly yet, car manufucaturers make more effective engines.

This is becouse the chemical/energy industry vendors are easier to address than deforesting and transport. If you realy will drop at least this attempt, to have the big-shots pay and limit up their emissions, forget about anything further from that point.

The Kjoto protocol also had a social aspect. The under developed countries did not produce so much CO2 and with Kjoto they can be payed/compensated for (of course) sharing the negative effect of CO2 emited. As it is true that CO2 does not have only greenhouse effect, but also cosmic-earthly atmosphere reforming (the strato-mezo sphere falls closer, making exchange points sadly hapenning just over south globe). The green house effect of higher concentrated CO2 couses the higher atmosphere to be colder becouse less light is reflected to pass them back, the stratosphere and higher sub-spheres are denser, colder, and eventualy may fall down sweeping/exchanging hot air back up (the effect can be catastrophic if super cold air falls down in acumulated extent)

So if Trump wanted to step up on elites, it'd be nice of him to exclude the chemical industry which is the biggest consumer of energy, to emit whatever CO2 they need freely (and drop any further depressed carbon cycle saving agenda from that point).

I read most of them. Know what I didn't find? A valid police report that has any leads/evidence of injury.

Because clearly, if nobody told the police, it didn't happen.
And clearly, EVERY police report will lead to an investigation, and every one of those investigations will actually lead to someone being charged.
And clearly, making a police report in each and every one of these cases will have enough evidence for them to do something and therefore is not completely pointless.

I'm not going to bother if you're going to refuse to even entertain the thought that any of this is happening and assume that every bad story is a lie.
Just because we hold that a person is "innocent before guilty," doesn't mean that we must disbelieve that the crime happened until proven otherwise.

Sorry, I meant to delete most of my post and just post this

Anyway, all I'm trying to say is that there IS a lot of bullshit/fake stories going around, I'm sure we can agree (Not speaking to the validity of any of these ones here). So it makes sense to have a healthy doubt unless there's a lot of evidence/a complete police report. We're simply not going to know factually if crazies will begin a purge-style anti-minority campaign for at least a year, so there's no point speculating now.

What's the typical time frame for social media internet trends? When Blaming trump for things wears off, I'd be willing to bet these stories are going to stop.

I fully believe there's been at least a few cases of people calling others names (either as a socially awkward joke or a legitimate attempt to harass someone), but all the serious stories I've seen till now are just sketchy/missing SO many details.

Add to that several of the proven hoaxes are still being pushed in the media right now (The homosexual youtube who claimed he got beat up/there's video of him hitting himself)

You can add to the file the cousin of someone I know who was congratulated, because of her 6 blonde hair and blue eye children, on bringing up the Arian race as Hitler and Germany would be so proud. The man in question then went on to say how she should have 5 more, and said how Trump was blonde and blue eyed and she should be proud they are the chosen race.

Oh man, better not tell him that Trump's daughter's Jewish :D

I've had the same thing happen on a NYC subway almost a decade ago actually, when I was going out to an awesome pizza place with my cousin, a litterally tinfoil hat wearing guy told us to grow old and have dozens of kids together to fight the jews when the new world order's exposed. We had a great laugh, as having that many kids with your cousin's probably normal where that guy came from.

He also kept saying "Think about it" every few words.

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