Hello again, everyone. It's your favorite person again... let the negative reputation things fly! Haha:-)
I have already completed the prototype it was suggested that I make. I wound up having a better idea that using Territories, which is really my signature game. "My Civilization". It is also the original origin of Rube. I really did not want to use that as the prototype to show game companies... so I wound up coming up with a better idea. A much better idea. The prototype is also the new actual first game of the Pirate Dawn Universe, and I have written the entire opening story and timeline to go with it. So the prototype is also the complete beginning of the story of the PDU, beginning in 4.5 billion BC with the formation of the Earth and ending in 1945 at the prototype game which is the Final Battle of Armageddon and had already been in the PDU as the end-mini game of the grand finale ending of the entire PDU. That mini game is now both the first, and the last, game of the PDU simultaneously. It small and simple stand-alone game to get started with, and then a more modern version of it would still be the "Final Battle" mini-game at the end of Armageddon, the last game of the PDU, 10-15 years later (or however long it took to make 12 games, haha). I am now working on completing the spine of the entire timeline, through all 12 games and back to 1945 again (the "broken time loop" of the PDU) AND the primary background, historical outcome, and main character storylines of all 12 games as a presentation for anyone interested in seeing more after they have seen the prototype. It will probably take me 2 or 3 more months to finish that.
The prototype immediately drew interest from the board game industry and may be published as a board game, it has been under review for a few weeks now actually. I wasn't expecting that, but need time to complete the entire universe presentation anyway. So in a few months I will be back with a LOT of material to show anyone who is interested including the complete playable prototype of the new first game of the PDU (with over 20 factions already available to choose from), the "full notes" stage design document of game #2 (the Cold War game Territories which is also the original game that Rube first manifested itself in), and the complete "Alpha State" design document for Pirate Dawn, the MMO "Audience Retention" Flagship Game of the Pirate Dawn Universe. That's the first three games, 25% of a 12 game universe, already at a place where they are ready to go as computer game projects.
And finally, since I don't do RPGs... I'll end off this little update by giving someone out there something special. I've been drawn back into the old game industry again and have been re-familiarizing myself with a lot of old things. I had a discussion the other day with someone about this, that they started. You guy's had done D&D enough times now, and you don't know our games, which I am guess is why none of you have STILL ever made this. If you make RPGs, you guys should be racing each other to this man's door to make his game. I had forgotten all about this. It had always been assumed this would be coming very soon in the early days of your industry, but it never did. It's just astonishing nobody ever based a computer game on this, how it could have possibly have been missed. You should have done it 20 years ago... want to enthrall the modern gaming world with an already proven popular uniquely original RPG... MAKE THIS!!! Finally!!!
Rifts - Kevin Siembieda
PS - Kevin is also an excellent artist...