
Artworks for the fantasy video game

Started by October 17, 2016 08:00 AM
94 comments, last by Awoken 7 years, 5 months ago

A couple of new characters recently drawn for the game. Warriors named Sopp (left) and Hode (right).


Ash of Gods - a turn-based RPG featuring Roguelike storytelling aimed at risks that TRUELY affect the gameplay and an extensive online PvP mode! - forum thread

What I really like is the uniform clothing of the duo. Makes them look like they belong to the same group / army / whatever.

Something I really dislike about games like FF is that characters often are created in a vacuum, and with little thought put into the relationship of these characters. Whith the results that the individual characters are very unique and easy to tell apart, but not really working as a group. If two characters belong to the same faction, that should be easely visible. And apart from that, if characters are soldiers or warriors, they should wear an uniform, not just ragtag civilian looking clothing.

Now, coming back from my rant about what others do wrong IMO, I also really like the clothing per se. It looks very realistic for some early/mid middle ages military uniform. No unrealistic plate armour and stuff like that which was even rare and, honestly, not THAT useful even in later centuries, but a (I guess) leather jerkin and simple helmet just screams middle age soldier grunts.

You COULD add some more protective armour like padded clothing, or maybe mail, but then that was most probably also not as common as todays movies make it look like.

I also like the long wide shirts... very fitting, if my assumption about the period of clothing you choose is right.

Now, as for the things I would change... I feel the hair of the left guy, and the color of his helmets leather part (I guess it should be leather) are to close IMO... I first though that he wears a bandana of sorts until I looked again and recognized the distinct middle age helmet style. Don't know, maybe its just the size of the image, but changing colors might help to make the hair and helmet read more immidiatly as separate entities.

I guess the guy to the left is missing a big sword he leans unto? Currently his posture looks weird, like he is leaning on some invisible prop.

Finally, I feel like the left guy is having a too wide collar. The right guy has a much more narrow one, and honestly, it looks better IMO. Given the leather jerkin als has a protective function, and the prudeness of people in the middle ages (not as prude as we believe today, mind you, that christian prudeness was an invention of later ages), I would also give the right hand guy a more narrow collar that shows less shoulder.

That is all I have. Really, not much I can fault the two concepts with. They are good. Shaping up to be a visually strong, interesting looking game with a strong sense for period clothing judging by these last two concepts...

I pick realistic period clothing over fantasy made up crap any day. But that is just, like, my opinion man ;)


I would like to see the first one the size it will be in game. The details look good as it is now but its still a bit big for a rpg game character. So i am curious what will be lost when actual size is implemented.

Now we have them. Just this one is from another battle class.


Ash of Gods - a turn-based RPG featuring Roguelike storytelling aimed at risks that TRUELY affect the gameplay and an extensive online PvP mode! - forum thread

Today is a great day, cause we finally completed the image of main protagonist (actually we have 3 leading heroes, but this one is the most major of them), baron Thorn Brenin. The girl (#4) from the topic start is his daughter Gleda.


Moreover, few days ago we've launched our website, where all information about this game and development progress can be found.

Ash of Gods - a turn-based RPG featuring Roguelike storytelling aimed at risks that TRUELY affect the gameplay and an extensive online PvP mode! - forum thread

What I really like is the uniform clothing of the duo. Makes them look like they belong to the same group / army / whatever.

You're absolutely right, these two are exactly members of one military regiment, one player's party and also they are best friends with each other)

Ash of Gods - a turn-based RPG featuring Roguelike storytelling aimed at risks that TRUELY affect the gameplay and an extensive online PvP mode! - forum thread


Very nice! I like the clothing, both shape and coloration and material.

My only confusion is his blade. Is it magical or something? Why is it disconnected? I notice some of his clothing (for no discernable reason) is also floating - which is fine, and goes with the sword, except other parts of his clothing aren't - namely, the dog-tags attached to his belt. The effort taken to fasten the metal tags and fasten the belt almost conceptually contradict the ease of the floating sword and the bracer and boot fragments.


My only confusion is his blade. Is it magical or something?

Yes, it's a kind of magic)

Ash of Gods - a turn-based RPG featuring Roguelike storytelling aimed at risks that TRUELY affect the gameplay and an extensive online PvP mode! - forum thread

Here is the battlefield version of baron Thorn Brenin. That's how he will be presented during combat scenes.


Ash of Gods - a turn-based RPG featuring Roguelike storytelling aimed at risks that TRUELY affect the gameplay and an extensive online PvP mode! - forum thread

Really like the grizzled look on the Baron... I literally see nothing that could make him look better as a character. Well, MAYBE his hair and beard color contradict each other a LITTLE bit. I would expect more white strands of hair with a guy whose beard is already this white.

But then, that is a really minor issue. Guess that is an individual trait of hair color that might not be common, but could be realistic.

Other than that, I love the character. Looks like a grizzled veteran that kicks some ass in battle. Keep up the good work!

I agree with Gian-Reto. The hair and beard are contradictory. I think seeing some white or white strands in his hair would better match his beard or something be done to darken his beard. My only fear is too much gray/white on him might age him more than intended.

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