When evaluating things like how 'well engineered' a project is, then one really needs to take stats like LOC and file count in context. Ease of use and understanding tends to be a better sign of just how well engineered a project is, and often a huge part of the overall engineering that people overlook isn't in the code and how the code itself works, but rather at the project management level and documentation.
You can have code that is blazing fast, super compact, and that was produced in record breaking time for the level of functionality and lack of bugs. But often 'how good' your code is won't be judged by you at the time, but rather by the poor sap who comes onto the project after you're gone on to bigger and better things, or were hit by a bus. Or even judged by yourself, years later, as you stare at your screen holding your rapidly cooling coffee while asking yourself "WTF was I thinking here? Why... Why did anyone ever think this was a remotely good idea?"