
My first game ambience. (Want feedback please)

Started by September 18, 2016 11:54 AM
1 comment, last by cock 8 years, 5 months ago

Whilst of thinking of ways to stop ear fatigue from the same beat looping over again. I decided to include 2 ambience pieces in each area of my game so you won't get bored of listening to the same piece over and over again.

Please provide feedback and tell me how it sounds!

Note: This loops at around 0:33. This will not loop in game. It will start up after a while, similar to WoW.

It's a lovely melody, one that I found myself humming for a while after my first listen. That's a very good sign! But I don't hear much difference between the various statements of that melody. There's a lot of opportunity here to make a very strong piece of music with the foundation you've laid.

Consider ways to make more contrast so it sticks out to the casual listener more. Only flute. Only strings/pad. Change of chords. Instead of held notes, change to an arpeggio. Etc.
Same melody now in a different instrument, say a piano. Then even later piano plays melody while the flute does a counter melody.

Nathan Madsen
Nate (AT) MadsenStudios (DOT) Com
Composer-Sound Designer
Madsen Studios
Austin, TX


It's a lovely melody, one that I found myself humming for a while after my first listen. That's a very good sign! But I don't hear much difference between the various statements of that melody. There's a lot of opportunity here to make a very strong piece of music with the foundation you've laid.

Consider ways to make more contrast so it sticks out to the casual listener more. Only flute. Only strings/pad. Change of chords. Instead of held notes, change to an arpeggio. Etc.
Same melody now in a different instrument, say a piano. Then even later piano plays melody while the flute does a counter melody.

Haha thank you! I'll take all you said into consideration.

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