The code I see for Quaternion multiplication on System.Numerics.Vectors is different (reversed) from all the other code I see on the Internet. What gives?
public static Quaternion operator *(Quaternion left, Quaternion right)
if (left.IsDistinguishedIdentity)
return right;
if (right.IsDistinguishedIdentity)
return left;
double x = left._w * right._x + left._x * right._w + left._y * right._z - left._z * right._y;
double y = left._w * right._y + left._y * right._w + left._z * right._x - left._x * right._z;
double z = left._w * right._z + left._z * right._w + left._x * right._y - left._y * right._x;
double w = left._w * right._w - left._x * right._x - left._y * right._y - left._z * right._z;
Quaternion result = new Quaternion(x,y,z,w);
return result;
public static Quaternion operator *(Quaternion value1, Quaternion value2)
Quaternion ans;
float q1x = value1.X;
float q1y = value1.Y;
float q1z = value1.Z;
float q1w = value1.W;
float q2x = value2.X;
float q2y = value2.Y;
float q2z = value2.Z;
float q2w = value2.W;
// cross(av, bv)
float cx = q1y * q2z - q1z * q2y;
float cy = q1z * q2x - q1x * q2z;
float cz = q1x * q2y - q1y * q2x;
float dot = q1x * q2x + q1y * q2y + q1z * q2z;
ans.X = q1x * q2w + q2x * q1w + cx;
ans.Y = q1y * q2w + q2y * q1w + cy;
ans.Z = q1z * q2w + q2z * q1w + cz;
ans.W = q1w * q2w - dot;
return ans;