Ok, outstanding!Why not use c# for android or ios if iam an android or ios only programmer?
You can. Although Apple's environment is built around objective C, people built binding code to let you work in C#. Android's core is Java, yet people have made C# interfaces. Xamarin is one example of those tools.
And then there are engines that completely abstract all the platform away, such as Unity. You can develop your game for Android or iOS using an engine and never touch anything outside the engine.
So since each option has its pros and cons after all, how do you think someone can compare between them if their needs are so general? Trying all the options? Although that is not very effecient or quick. That would perhaps be the pupose of this topic
A huge thanks to all of you wanderful people, Iam not sure how far more can this topic go really though, ill try my top best to help anyone else, thanks again