
Looking for a game designer, let's make a mobile game together

Started by August 18, 2016 12:50 AM
-1 comments, last by murzik 8 years, 3 months ago

Hello, my name is Alex. I am an experienced C++ developer, working in CAD area for ~10 years.
I am interested in game development and recently I've started implementing a submarine game.
General idea is to make a mobile game for iOS\Android platforms. Player goes from level to level, accomplishes some missions, like "survive", "defend convoy", "destroy all enemies", etc.
After each level a shop is show, where player can upgrade the ship and buy ammunition. Currently I have a basic desktop version, because it is easier to demonstarte to other people and develop in a small team.
Most probably, desktop version will be free and will suggest to setup the mobile game. Mobile game will be showing advertisement in shop window. I'd like to implement multiplayer for 2-3 people as well.



You can download and take a look at current version here

(rar archive):

(zip archive):

The game is implemented in C++ and crossplatform SDL2 engine. It uses LUA for scripting.

At this point I need a gamedesigner to finish the game. I can cover technical part, but now we need to make the game actually interesting. Not just in general words and ideas, but in actual working scripts.
So, the gamedesigner will have to work with me, generate ideas, tell me what functionality he needs in LUA, and make a working prototype which is interesting for playing.
I mean I've heard a lot of general things from people about how to make such a game playable, but there is a big difference between "ideas" and a working game. I need a playable game, so I need a man who can make his ideas work in the real application :)

I have some money to buy graphics and sound part, but this is the next step.

Feel free to contact me at
Sorry for my english, I am not a native speaker :)

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