My first prototype is available!.
This prototype includes all of the core gameplay, I believe: movement; combat (including player death); light-level and related damage and regeneration changes; and one enemy type. The enemies wander, and will only discover the player if they stray too far into the light--and can lose the player if they fall too far out of it.
Significant known issues, as far as I recall:
- The aesthetic "Undead" theme hasn't yet been incorporated
- There are only three hard-coded enemies.
- There is no win-condition
- The enemy -model and -animations are all placeholders, taken from a previous project
- The "footstep" sound effects are similarly placeholders
- There are no other sound effects
- The level is a simple, boxy test-room
- There's currently no way to adjust either field of view or mouse sensitivity--if I have time I'd like to add an options menu that includes those features
- The key-rebinding system doesn't accept scroll-wheel inputs. (But you can recover the default usage of the scroll-wheel via the "Reset keys to default" button, below the key-binding UI.
- The "Credits/Legal" button currently does nothing.
I may do a little further work tonight, so today's blog post is intended to be written later.