For any administration issues/rules/questions, please post in the administration thread This thread is for actual competition updates/submissions and discussion only.
Afterparty/judging thread:
Official results are available here:
The competition has begun, this years themes are:
Gameplay || Graphical
Shadows | Undead
Evolution | Ruins
Each team must choose at least 2 of the 4 themes presented for full points, that may be either both gameplay, both graphical, or 1 of each. to receive the proper points that theme should be implemented in the context above(gameplay themes must be implemented somehow with gameplay, and same for graphical). you are free to interpret the themes as you wish, but should still strive to make them fairly obvious in the game.
To submit a game, just post it to this thread. Don't worry if you're not on the interested or team lists in the administration thread; anyone is welcome to post a game during the competition (posting a game in the thread is all you need to do to officially enter into the competition). I highly encourage participants to post their games here at least a few days before the competition ends and for GDNet users to download these games, test them out, and give feedback (especially if there are bugs or crashes). You can resubmit/update your game during the competition with updates/fixes/changes/whatever. Only your latest/most recent entry will be judged (but must be submitted before the competition ends). See the administration thread for a full list of rules.
Lastly we are experimenting with having helpers for graphical assets, these assets should not be critically required(more like polishing the graphics), nor is their an expectation that your request well be fulfilled by the artists that are helping. you are also not obligated to share your winnings(if you win) with the helper, but I would personally say that giving them something would be a kind way to show thanks :) only 1 request may be made at a time, please be sure to be very descriptive with what you want. I will try to maintain the list of requests on this first page, but with sleep and work i may not update the list right away.
Teams requesting artwork:
Good luck to all our competitors! and remember to post your updates here! your participation will not be counted if you don't at least post and/or drop a link in this thread of your update!
P.S.: their is an official discord chat: (or click chat in the top right). feel free to join and talk to other contestants and/or members of the site!
with that i am heading to bed, good luck to everyone!