I'm trying to work on a simple rigid body physics engine, however i'm stuck when it comes to generating the contact points between two OBB's. I have implemented SAT for two OBB's but it's boolean. That is, if there is no seperating axis it returns true (there is an intersection), false otherwise.
How can i go from this binary SAT result to actually getting a list of contact points? I've found some books and a few books and articles on the topic, but they contained more greek letters and numbers, I'm by no means an expert on any physics or math topics. It seems i hit the learning curve face first on this one ;)
I digress. Back on topic, can anyone recomment books / tutorials / videos / anything on this topic?
The most easy to follow resource i've found so far is a 2015 GDC talk by Dirk Gregorius, this one: http://media.steampowered.com/apps/valve/2015/DirkGregorius_Contacts.pdf
But following it was a bit beyond me.