Again, I will review your post slowly then.
Those who are advocating for "small government" are basically advocating that the decision-making for important issues should be moved from public entities that are *somehow*, to some extent at least, accountable to the people, to private entities that are accountable only to their internal processes. How does that make any sense exactly?
I have mentioned legal responsibility for anything those people do, you repeat over and over that they are accountable only to share holders numbers. Those people are subjects to even any regulating responsibility that can be held by any law, initiated by law-giving power.
I don't know how many times can I re-iterate that I'm arguing about both socialism *and* a more open democratic system where people are even more active in participating in decision-making of any kind, as much as this is possible at any given circumstances. Personal property is guaranteed, private property is abolished, the means of productions are socially owned, and the decision-making on how to use said means of production is taken through democratic processes and with the explicit goal of making life better for everybody, and utilize technological advancements with the purpose to arrive to the post-scarcity society that is the topic of this thread.
The money earning subjects are already sharing their cut through taxes, you speak of some naturalies sharing, or distributing entire cut solely to its employees, or what? You refuse to realize, that law-giving power is already in the authority of folk, the result is not too positivily over-whelming either, yet you still even want to create a higher authority whose deeds and moves would be backed by decision-making on how to use said means of production is taken through democratic processes.
If people would want more instant and influencing power over the public funds, I see no problem there. But your numbling about free-of-consequences corporations and corupted byrocrats being replaced by a supper-appointed authority free to "work for people's interest" is what I find as too "experimental", a literate statements full of ... untruth, pardon me, backed-up by your nice view of public fund share, public fund income, which don't need that to exist at all.
Again, people have their law-giving institution, and their police and army that is supposed to force their laws.
You repeat over and over about subjects that are rich and immune to that- and if the reason it's not working idealy is corruption, you offered even more ridiculous solution.
The reason isn't "corruption", per se, on behalf of the capitalists. It's not that they're bribing politicians or judges, though that happens too.
The real reason is that the capitalists are the
ruling class. They possess most of the world's wealth, resources, means of production, and thus power.
Real power. They are in charge of how the economy runs. If they decide it should go left, it goes left. If they decide it should go right, it goes right. They don't have to break the law to do that, they just have to own most of the planet's resources, which they do. Governments exist, and are
supposed to regulate them somewhat, but are relatively powerless compared to capitalists, which affect and influence everything in capitalism. of the population holds 40% of the planet's wealth. 5% of the population controls more than 75% of the world's wealth. When we say wealth we don't just mean paper money, a percentage of which they give to taxes. We mean everything: land, resources, means of production. Even people's time and labour. Everything that makes societies and economies function and shapes the history of the planet and the human kind. Their fate is literally on this minority's hands. This isn't
just to buy Ferraris and diamond rings for themselves. They're literally
running this joint, dude. You tell me how this is supposed to be "democracy" - which means "power/state of the people".