Thanks for the suggestions. Both look interesting.
For building tools and debug utilities I'd most definitely recommend Dear ImGui. For in-game menus and stuff you might want to do some custom rendering/handling, but that's usually not all that complex.
Also, what is the reasoning behind using immediate-mode style? The way I see it is to collect all these commands and run them in a batchjob in my renderer, directly into the backbuffer after all 3D-rendering is done. Not sure if immediate-mode complicates stuff in that case.
This is exactly what dear imgui does. It generate command buffers to render later. It is really simple to integrate.
"Immediate-mode" refer to the api style it's not related to the way you would access your GPU (it doesn't access your GPU at all).
About the styling limitation, as Mussi pointed out it wasn't designed to be very skinnable.
My opinion is that lots of UI _pretending_ to be skinnable are still not fit for high-quality in-game UI. What people refer to as "skinability" encompass lots of usability issues, controls, animations. Replacing a few visuals is merely 10% of what you'll need if you want a beautiful game ui. Few classic UI toolkits are great enough to provide in-game quality, unless you want your game UI to look like a 2002 shareware.
For in-game UI just bite the bullet and write custom code IMHO. it's actually fairly easy, the needs for in-game UI are much simplier than for tools, and they are more custom.