So I always feel I'm out of my depth at ... I'm one of the many many who really, just has a host of ideas (usually to big and over ambitious for an individual to take on). I have limited coding ability (I once programmed a rough battleships simulator, thats about it) and no experience with art and modelling.
I just like to share ideas ... and I don't really think that entirely fits in with the gamedev forums, if nothings going to come of your ideas I feel like its wasting peoples time posting about them here. Don't get me wrong, you guys are great and I've got plenty of helpful feedback on various queries on gameplay mechanics I've thrown out here and there.
So I guess I'm asking if maybe anyone knows of a forum that might be a better fit? An active forum for sharing indepth ideas to almost a semi-design doc level of detail? Where feedback might be more orientated towards the idea of how something plays rather than the behind the scenes technical aspects that maybe required of it?
Appreciate any suggestions, thanks all.