How do you protect your eyes during work.
I ask as a programmer but I think it would be beneficial for every kind of experience (color, docs, ect.).
I'm in my early-to-mid 20s, A few years ago I had a perfect eyesight, but in the last two years I've literally fu*ked it up. And now my eyes often feel tiered, I'm almost sure that I need glasses (I should go to a doctor).
So in order to raise awareness of that problem I'm starting this topic(and of course to understand what others do). I work for 8 hours a day,after work I usually code for 2-3 hours (this obviously extremely stupid and I partialy(or more) regret it).
I used to take a walk 3-4 times for about 5 minutes while at work, in order to give my eyes a little rest. but in the last ~1 year I didn't do this every day(especially in the summer) and if I do it is just once for ~10-15mins.
So again, what do you do to protect you eyesight?
Any exercises?
Do you take any breaks, and if so how often?
Do you have a diet?
What color themes do you use?
Anything else?