I am have been reading quite a lot lately on how to rotate the camera around a point (my character) lately but I don't really understand the tutorials online because most of them use their own concepts or different techniques and so on.
So, currently when a user drags his finger across the screen I am registering the distance (deltaX). Now I need to rotate the camera around the Y-Axis accordingly to the maginitude of deltaX. I am using a right-hand coordinate system, so the X-Axis is pointing to the left, the Y-Axis is pointing straight up and the Z-Axis is pointing straight out of the screen. I also have three vectors that describe the orientation of the camera and they are listed below.
eye = new Vector3(0, 1.2f, 0); //The camera's position
up = new Vector3(0, 1, 0); // Well the up vector
center = new Vector3(0, 1, -2); //The look at point.
Now I am not looking for somebody to do the work for me but rather explain how to rotate the camera properly around the Y-Axis. All I have is the deltaX from the user input and theese three vectors that make up the ViewMatrix which I then later on use to transform the objects in the world.