
Trump Is The Republican Candidate - Now What?

Started by July 20, 2016 06:41 AM
403 comments, last by rip-off 7 years, 11 months ago

Thanks for providing the study, that, may be a subject to ridiculization here later on ;)

I’m not interested in the debate on guns (have no position), and it was not my study.

L. Spiro

I know but your reasonable investigative inputes and opinions supported by factual investigations, of those things are for sure welcomed too much.

Banning assault weapons and closing the gun-sale loophole?

Sounds good to me.

L. Spiro

It's idiotic, because it isn't enforceable, and the assault weapons categorization is a complete fiction.

Eric Richards

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Twitter - @EricRichards22

Not doing drugs is not enforceable. We make it illegal anyway, and while the black market obviously exists, most people, including myself, have no clue how to get into it.
Making games unhackable is impossible, but with a few obstacles you can stop all but the most motivated people.

L. Spiro

I restore Nintendo 64 video-game OST’s into HD!

Yes, a positive is that mass murders with firearms will go down if restrictions are put in place, but it won't end them. Said restrictions will just make mass murders with explosives happen more frequently. As I've stated time and time again, take one weapon and the murderers will move to the next so that they can reach the end that they want.

According to CDC, their were 2,596,993 deaths in 2013 in the US. In 2012, according to the FBI their were 8,855 gun homicides. One year separating these facts, but you can guess that the trend will follow over a single year time period. LESS THAN 1%

The vast majority ( are basically various diseases. Most people would be in favour of trying to reduce preventable deaths, particularly where innocent bystanders are involved - like mass shootings and car crashes.

CIA world factbook. UK ranked higher(60th) in death rate overall than US(93rd) as of 2015. Oh yeah not to mention other "gun free safe zones" such as Canada(81st), Spain(68th), France(65th), Sweden(59th), Japan(54th). So on and so forth...

Looking at the murder rates per 100,000 people listed here, the United States of America doesn't do too well, with a value of 3.9.

To compare with the examples you cited: Canada has a rate of 1.4, Spain of 0.7, France of 1.2, Sweden of 0.9 and Japan of 0.3.


Because the argument seems to be how guns are so tragic and senseless and cause so much death. Their are much worse things to worry about than gun violence. Guns are the least of the problems. Dig for the facts, I beg of you. Gun homicide counts for less than 1% of the US annual death rate.

According to CDC, their were 2,596,993 deaths in 2013 in the US. In 2012, according to the FBI their were 8,855 gun homicides. One year separating these facts, but you can guess that the trend will follow over a single year time period. LESS THAN 1%

Pretty much what rip-off said. A lot of those deaths overall are related to different issues most of which are completely unrelated to violent crime. If we can do something to reduce deaths that affect people more or less at random, then why not? It's a fairly well known fact that the overall gun crime/violent crime rate is lower in places like Canada, Japan, etc.

No one expects the Spanish Inquisition!

If we can do something to reduce deaths that affect people more or less at random, then why not?

Because it involves taking people's constitutional rights away, and also it extremely rarely affects people are random. The vast majority of gun deaths in the USA are suicides/acceptable use/criminals targetting criminals.


You are missing the point. Obviously the majority of the death rate in any country is health related as the statistics I provided state. I am very aware of this. But will you refuse to agree that guns, based on the facts, are the least compelling reason to take up an anti-cause? Homicide numbers, regardless of the involvement of guns, is not a tangible metric when the impact of guns themselves is so minimal. To extinguish the way of life that created America because guns are attributed to less than 1% of deaths in the US?

If we can do something to reduce deaths that affect people more or less at random, then why not?

Because it involves taking people's constitutional rights away, and also it extremely rarely affects people are random. The vast majority of gun deaths in the USA are suicides/acceptable use/criminals targetting criminals.

And this


You are missing the point. Obviously the majority of the death rate in any country is health related as the statistics I provided state. I am very aware of this. But will you refuse to agree that guns, based on the facts, are the least compelling reason to take up an anti-cause? Homicide numbers, regardless of the involvement of guns, is not a tangible metric when the impact of guns themselves is so minimal. To extinguish the way of life that created America because guns are attributed to less than 1% of deaths in the US?

Well, that wins the prize for stupidest thing I've read today, and I read a Trump speech earlier...

So let me get this straight, banning guns won't cure death, so fuck all the people killed by them? I don't even know where to start with that....
if you think programming is like sex, you probably haven't done much of either.-------------- - capn_midnight
The fallacy in XYZ-regulation or prohibition is that it makes the assumption "you are all idiots, I must decide for your good", and it needlessly punishes the group of people. Take alcohol in the US during the first half of the last century. There is nothing wrong with having a beer, or some wine, or even some booze. Who thinks that they have the right to tell you that you can't have a drink. Now... drinking and beating your wife is a different story. Having 6-8 drinks and driving (possibly killing someone) is a different thing as well. But it is entirely unrelated to... how do you best call it, conscious drinking? In EU, responsible drinking and driving is virtually impossible. Despite all evidence, socialists have lowered the threshold ever lower and lower. At the present threshold (partial guilt of any accident at 0.2 and felony at 0.5). That's despite it being well-documented that most alcohol-related accidents (and almost all heavy or lethal accidents) are not made by that guy who has two beers. They're made by that guy with 2.8 permil. However, the law fails to deliver. It punishes the "good guy" and lets the "vicious drinker" walk free under premise of being certifiably insane under the influence. What the fuck. Drugs. Illegal, great plan. So instead of buying them legally, from a controlled manufacturer, people are buying them on the black market. Dunno how to enter the black market? Well, just go to the main station and talk to the next maghreb-looking guy. And again, the law fails to deliver. I'm not into drugs of any kind, never even tried "weed" for curiosity. But: If someone wants to smoke weed, why not. All I'd ask is they do it in their home, not in a public place, and not near children. And they'd best have to wait an hour before driving a car again. But otherwise, who am I that I think I have a right of telling them not to? On the other hands, there are some seriously harmful drugs which should be illegal by all means because they totally destroy people in short time, and virtually no chance to escape. But again, failure to deliver. It is for example well-known that virtually all meth in Germany comes from well-known shops run by Vietnamnese on the Szech border. Do you think police raids these well-known shops? Also, if you're a drug addict (on an illegal drug), guess what happens if you commit a crime. Right, nothing happens. Because, hey, you didn't commit two[/] crimes, but you are not actionable because you need the money for drugs. Weapons... same thing. None of the amok runners or muslim shooters that I remember during the last decade owned a weapon legally. They all bought their weapons out of a car trunk, car coming from Balkan. But when you are caught bootlegging a car trunk full of forbidden weapons, are you getting the chair or something the like? No, of course not. It's a miracle if you go to prison for 2 sears. And that's just the problem... forbid all you want, but as long as there is no consequence to the really hardcore bad guys, it's all in vain.

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