
Trump Is The Republican Candidate - Now What?

Started by July 20, 2016 06:41 AM
403 comments, last by rip-off 8ย years ago

I think he will continue to double down on his extreme comments and people will start to pull away from supporting him; being forced to vote for Clinton. Either way we are screwed no matter who wins.

I don't support Trump, but I also don't support Clinton. Both are just two variants of bad news for the country.

Sounds more like voting for the lesser evil

I've stated from the start that voting for Clinton or Trump is voting for the lesser of two evils. Even stated on Twitter that voting for the lesser of two evils is still voting for evil.

Interesting how many Europeans ( and one Canadian ) are negatively replying to this post - I didn't know you's cared so much about the politics in the US !

Well US politics are kind of important to other parts of the world, so lots of us will care a great deal for stability and social progress in the states if for no other reason than for how bad for business things can be. This is especially true for Canada because of how geographically linked we are to the US. Trump isn't well loved by many around the globe for his habit of throwing gas on the fire of racism violence. "Not exactly helpful" would be putting things mildly.

Old Username: Talroth
If your signature on a web forum takes up more space than your average post, then you are doing things wrong.

We are in for one hell of a ride with the presidential debates. I wonder which one has/will have the most dirt on the other one?

๐Ÿ™‚๐Ÿ™‚๐Ÿ™‚๐Ÿ™‚๐Ÿ™‚<โ†The tone posse, ready for action.

Don't know. I know they keep focusing on Trumps business failures, which is normal for a company like his. Then you have Clinton's email fiasco where the FBI Director basically stated that "I'm to dumb to know better" or "I didn't know it was illegal" was a valid defense for endangering national security. I died when he said Clinton may not have known it was illegal...former lawyer, former First Lady, former Senator, former Secretary of State.....if she had all those jobs and didn't know, then that doesn't bode well for her being President. One of Trump's sons stated that Trump would let someone else worry about foreign policy and politics while he focuses on "making America great again". So Trump wants the title, but delegate someone else to do his job while he focuses on a fictional ideal? Neither are looking very confident for the title of POTUS.

One of Trump's sons stated that Trump would let someone else worry about foreign policy and politics while he focuses on "making America great again". So Trump wants the title, but delegate someone else to do his job while he focuses on a fictional ideal? Neither are looking very confident for the title of POTUS.

Even worse, Hillary said she'll let Bill Clinton take "the economy" as his pet project as first dude.

While he'd probably do a great job (and likely better than Trump), that's an incredible delegation to someone who'd not officially be in any government position other than "spouse of the president".

Delegating foreign affairs is basically the ideal I think, though. The odds of someone being the best possible person for it, AND being able to win a campaign are incredibly slim. This is basically an admission that it's not his strongest suite, and he's willing to find the best person for the job.

The full quote I saw said 'foreign and domestic affairs' which sounds pretty much like 'everything'...

I mean, if you want a head of state who does nothing you always tear up that silly little 'independence' thing you guys did and Liz can take over again for you... in fact that might be a win, she is probably more on the ball than Trump in most matters ;)

All I know is that I am no longer proud to be a citizen of these United States.

We had better candidates on both sides, and THIS is what we could come up with?

Someone I know (TheComet) through another forum pointed out that he couldn't believe how much this election is turning out to be reminiscent of the movie "Idiocracy". I couldn't agree more.

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Do I vote third party as a protest vote? Yea, 'cause that's worked so much in past elections.

You guys really need preferential voting. There's no reason *not* to vote for a minor party that you prefer here - -
Without a viable third party vote, you're basically a two-party dictatorship :P

US two party voting gets even 'more interesting' when you look the whole electoral college thing. "...these voters directly elect designated intermediaries called "electors," who almost always have pledged to vote for particular presidential and vice presidential candidates..." Because "Voting for a guy who then casts his vote without having to tell us about it before hand..." sounds so very legit and sensible.

I also greatly prefer a Parliamentary style system, as it seems to be a system which "Sucks the least". Sadly Canada's system has become overly party focused, and too many people get overly focused on leaders, but our Prime Minister is still elected as only a minister the same as all the others, and then the minsters choose the PM. The beauty of this system is that if some horrible scandal comes out the day after the election and absolutely no one in the country likes whoever the PM is, then we don't need another election. The house just picks a new leader and we get on with business.

Old Username: Talroth
If your signature on a web forum takes up more space than your average post, then you are doing things wrong.

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