Me and my friend have decided to team up and make games! He's the art man and I am the creator (for lack of a better word). What game engine would you recommend for our purposes? But now that I think about it I also do want to make other games that are not casual and for other platforms, I don't want to limit myself but the topic title was our initial thoughts. Do most people use something different than what would be recommended to us?
Recommended game engine for newbie wanted to do casual for browser and mobile?
Unity. It can build for mobile and html5/webgl and it is quite user friendly.
Interested in Fractals? Check out my App, Fractal Scout, free on the Google Play store.
Didn't check Unity recently but I seriously doubt you'd enjoy tens of MBs of webGL port (if it is still so)
Unity is a good choice for mobile but when it comes to browser,
Phaser is popular for 2D whilst three.js/babylon.js is for 3D.
You can use engines like phaser with a wrapper (cocoon etc) at mobile but it is something you should decide based on what you want and scope.
mostates by moson?e | Embrace your burden
Cocos2d-JS can go for both web and mobile native. Use Three.JS for 3D, and wrap it with Cordova + Crosswalk for mobile native. They are all cheap in file size and fully JavaScript based, which means you can use the web APIs with ease.
Mutiny - Open-source C++ Unity re-implementation.
Defile of Eden 2 - FreeBSD and OpenBSD binaries of our latest game.