Nice and thanks again slicer! I have concerns and remarks though.
Thirdly would be how judging is handled, i was toying with the idea that having additional judges is still good, but to only take the top 3 scores in each category. meaning if we have a total of 4 judges on each game, that game will not be pulled down because one judge didn't see it as being as good as the others.
This might result in one judge having barely to no effect on the outcome, which would feel like a giant waste of time for that person I assume. I'm thinking that as long as every judge can judge every game, averaging shouldn't be much of a problem. That would require some more streamlining that you've currently have announced in the competition thread.
I would first of all require that the game itself should not require an install, it should just be an executable that can you run. The exception to that would be dependencies, if you use XNA for example. This would reduce the amount of things you'd have to install and clean up afterwards and most of us will probably have those dependencies installed already.
Secondly I would create a simple form/spreadsheet where judges can rate statements and a score rolls out. Something along the lines of:
Completely disagree Neutral Completely agree
Graphics match the themes
Graphics do not detract from game experience
I would be willing to create a simple web page for that, shouldn't take long.
I also don't feel much for the quadratic curve in the prize pool. If it were up to me I'd more evenly distribute it and maybe even add 5 additional spots. Everyone is putting in hard work, I think we can give more people the feeling of being a winner without detracting anything from those who end up highest.
What are your thoughts on this?