Hey everyone,
I'm using Electron, and since I have access to their net package (nodejs), I've been doing some P2P testing lately. I have an authorization server that handles all game logic. But, I wanted to switch to a P2P approach for only movement outside of PvP for testing. I know it's not ideal, but I'm just playing around with it for now.
Anyways, with that said:
Someone could easily get the IP of someone their connected to. Thus, let's say Player A is connected to Player B and are in a game together moving around, communicating fine.
Then, Player B logs off. Player A gets notified by this, by the authoritarian server.
But, there is one catch. Lets Player B sniffed Player A's IP address and then connected to them and just starting to send movement signals all over the place. (Without even being in a game).
Or dos/ddosing that user.
This basically opens up a huge can worms, right? Am I getting all of this right, or is there something I'm missing? :P Maybe create a UUID that expires, that is needed for two clients to connect? But then again, unless their firewall is modified they can still cause massive harm to that player? (Even with a firewall, UDP/etc can still do decent dmg)
Sorry I'm kind of all over the place here, I'm just curious do I have the right train of thought? (P2P = Hacking/Cheating/abuse is inevitable), 100%?
Thanks ~