Prototype feedback for iOS games
I've thought about placing a unity web player in a google site and just saying something like "Note: this is a game for iOS. " but I don't think that would be very effective.
Thoughts? Suggestions?
Apple now use TestFlight which does allow you to get beta testers to subscribe and then you can push your unpublished app to them. Every time you want to do a new ship a new build they will automatically get it. You can even choose which testers get which builds so that you can do A/B testing etc..
More info here:
There are also third party solutions that do a similar thing such as:
or TestFairy:
I'm assuming I don't have to pay for the apple developer license (like when you submit something to the App Store)!
Any suggestions doe where are good places to look for testers? I know here for sure but anywhere else?
I'm assuming I don't have to pay for the apple developer license (like when you submit something to the App Store)!
You can test on a device without a developer licence since Xcode 7 was released. However you will be limited as to what kind of apps you can develop as without a developer licence your app won't be able to use Game Centre, In App Purchasing, iAds, Sharing keychain or user properties with a notification centre extension or Apple Watch. Theres probably a bunch of other limitations.
Any suggestions doe where are good places to look for testers? I know here for sure but anywhere else?
Just use Google their are dozens of sites and communities available that are their for the sole purpose of recruiting beta testers for iOS apps.