Need help with palettes
Hi there everyone,
when I program games I never use palettes becuase basically they confuse me. I recently had to scrap I game due to my ill-knowledge of palettes. You see I had I bitmap sky background to be used. I applied it onto the screen. But when I wanted to put my sprites onto the screen which used another palette, I was forced to change the screen''s palette entry to get the sprites on the screen as they should look then the sky''s colours are changed. The real question here is, how do I have different sprites on the screen or bitmaps that use different palettes and not have their colours changed by another sprite''s palette ? I am not sure about how other games do it, as I have seen tonnes of games use bitmap backgrounds and other sprites that all have different palettes but don''t mess up each other''s colours.I hope any of this made sense and I sure hope that someone could help with this matter.
Thanks in advance.
Dark Star.
---------------------------------------------You Only Live Once - Don't be afriad to take chances.
You have to fit all colors you want to use on the screen in one palette to attain the right colors. Eg. you cant have a sky using 256 colors and then blit a explosion using another 100 specific colors. Think about programming using 16-bit (or higher) colors, you wont have all the fuzzy palette to deal with.
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