
Informal Gamedev Age Survey

Started by May 11, 2016 11:06 AM
0 comments, last by Norman Barrows 8 years, 4 months ago

Something from the USC thread caught my eye and got me thinking. I've been kicking around here under one username or another for probably a dozen years or so - long enough to remember seeing the HTML with variables and Hockey MMO threads... Back in those old days, the general tenor of discussion tended to be a little wilder, and definitely a lot flamier than it is these days. Maybe it was a product of the times; it was the Bush era, so the lounge tended to be a battlezone, but since I recognize a lot of the same people active now as back then, it got me thinking about whether that shift has more to do with users here growing up and mellowing out. Or maybe it's just that the kids these days are less terrible than we were back then... But I recall there were a lot more wild ideas, people trying to build games and engines from scratch, putting together and kvetching about teams, etc, etc. And perhaps it has something to do with the learning curve of building games getting steeper, or the art demands of producing something that looks half-decent, or people moving to Unity/Unreal/mobile/Minecraft for getting started, rather than cobbling something together with Win32/SDL/Ogre/GLUT, etc the way you used to have to.

So I figured I'd test out that hypothesis with a rough age survey, just for curiosity's sake.

Eric Richards

SlimDX tutorials -

Twitter - @EricRichards22

id' say the primary cause is probably the fact that game development is maturing as an engineering discipline.

Norm Barrows

Rockland Software Productions

"Building PC games since 1989"


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