Hi, im starting a level 2 college course in september on games development and we will be using gamesalad (wanted to join level 3 as you use unity but didnt have some gcse)
Im wondering if gamesalads drag and drop engine would make it easier to learn programming once you get the hang of things? As since i have a tiny bit of exp in programming i can see where gamesalad is pretty similar with how its drag and drop works.
Also with learning programming has anyone used www.codingame.com could you say anything about it, was it good, did it help learn your chosen language etc.
And with this course it will most likely be 2d (i think you can do 3d in gamesalad) so im looking into using gimp or inkscape for the artwork/animation.
Which program do you think would be better to learn for the future, or should you learn both? As in the future i will be looking into dong 3d artwork and will be wanting to try making textures etc.
Thank you to all that help.