Rise in CO2 has 'greened planet earth'
Anti-CO2 emission enthusiasts (a subset of Global warming enthusiasts) have failed to understand the simple logic that plants/trees need CO2, and these trees produce O2 on a massive scale which we need. So more CO2 means more trees and more CO2 draw-down to produce more trees and more Oxygen. And that's a production cycle. This cycle on its own wouldn't warm or cool the planet but remain in a balanced state if the ratio of forest to urban areas is right
IMHO the real culprit for global warming is the exploding human population. Not CO2
Though since the authors won't want to be overwhelmed by attacks from Anti-CO2 emission enthusiasts, the lead researcher obviously had to 'temper' things down. They might loose their positions or even their jobs for producing a study with a conclusion that says the CO2 has a net positive effect on the climate change. Thus over-turning all global efforts and money spent so far... No they would go down for that, so the authors had to add this:
But the researchers fertilisation effect diminishes over time. They warn the positives of CO2 are likely to be outweighed by the negatives.
The lead author, Prof Ranga Myneni from Boston University, told BBC News the extra tree growth would not compensate for global warming, rising sea levels, melting glaciers, ocean acidification, the loss of Arctic sea ice, and the prediction of more severe tropical storms.
Diminishing fertilization is a constant effect irrespective of high/low CO2 emission rate and can easily be mitigated. These scientists are smart enough to know this, but who wouldn't protect themselves... I would do the same considering the massive number, power and influence of the anti-CO2 emission enthusiasts
Also scientists opposing the research study manage pull a rabbit out of the hat with their counter arguments
I'm not in any way saying the earth is not warming. Its about the effects of CO2, the real causes of global warming and the solutions
Are the seas warming and levels rising with Increasing occurrences of hurricanes, cyclones, El Ninos and floodings? Absolutely Yes
But by focusing mainly on limiting CO2 emission we are trying solve this problem the wrong way. No wonder we've failed so far.
Real causes of global warming
Artificially cutting down of trees in many countries due to huge urban expansion rates.
Solution: How about limiting family size worldwide to 2 kids per family? That would strongly reduce urban expansions rates in many countries and hence there would be little or no need to cut down trees
The ratio of forest to urban areas on earth is very low and still reducing fast. And thus not enough trees to absorb the CO2 pumped out. If the ratio is upped and remains balanced CO2 would never be the cause of global warming
Countries such as UAE, China and Japan claiming the oceans to build city islands
Solution: this is still urban expansion, but instead of expanding in to the forest they are expanding in to the seas, so same solution as above
Antarctica and Arctic ice melting at alarming rate
Solution: How about removing and disbanding all Antarctica and Arctic research bases such as the British Antarctica research base. I can only imagine the amount of artificial heat generated, needed to keep these bases at human temperature. And also the massive heat needed to build and maintain runways on ice. And the heat from the planes making round the clock deliveries to maintain these artificial science research villages
Though they are so often overlooked as insignificant the heat generated here is NOT insignificant but is sufficient to be causing the current mayhem in the oceans
The melting caused by these research villages results in more flooding and less ice to reflect the sun's light, thus much of it is absorbed into the oceans resulting in the warming of the oceans, and El Ninos
But the exploding human population resulting in massive urban expansion is the biggest culprit, if I may add IMHO. And my own research on the validity of what i have written is continuing during my spare time