Hi All,
I am fairly new to OpenGL and i was wondering if you guys could give me some usefull insights and advice for a project that I am starting.
I am planning on writing a small OpenGL (game) Engine, this includes rendering a scene/meshes (with camera system) and performing some basic logic (maybe simple physics). I have read quite some literature about OpenGL already and had some examples up and running using QT.
QT seemed nice to use, however i dont want to be dependent on a GUI framework like QT. Therefor I want to create a C++ based engine which would handle the rendering and logic and expose an 'API' that can be used by an external GUI framework like QT/WPF/Windowsforms. This way the engine would not be dependent on a GUI framework.
To achieve this I am planning on using the following libraries and wrappers:
For access to modern OpenGL API functions.