
looking for experienced unity 3D programming tutor.

Started by April 13, 2016 07:36 AM
9 comments, last by owiley 8 years, 10 months ago

Hi my name is Daniel and I am looking for someone to help teach me. I already know the basics but when it comes to making games I run into various problems. And It just gets a little overwhelming for me. I have a sort of anxiety when it comes to learning on my own. And having a teacher just makes the anxiety go away and makes things easier to learn.

If anyones interested in helping me. Im willing to pay 5 or so an hour. Im not very rich and my job doesnt pay too well. But i could really use the assistance I would prefer a teacher that would assist me with my current game ideas and teach me as i go. Explain codes to me and how or why it does what it does. Im not incompetent i just have anxiety with things.

I want to make an endless runner

a candy crush type game

a sims type game

a click to move action/rpg (diablo)

and a 3D rpg action adventure (hack and slash)

I would love assistance with this.

First of all, do you have any programming experience? If you don't, you should learn the basis first ( or, just as examples). Then, start making simpler things, don't think about the game you want to do as a whole, split it into little and affordable parts. Doing Unity tutorials is a great point from which you can start, and when you don't understand something, google it for a while and then ask in a forum or reddit if you didn't get to anything.

That's the way you learn by yourself, and I think this will help you more than spending your money in paying someone for this...

Don't be hurry, take it easy and you'll learn well, saving money and anxiety.

Best regards

Moving to For Beginners.

But i could really use the assistance I would prefer a teacher that would assist me with my current game ideas and teach me as i go. Explain codes to me and how or why it does what it does. Im not incompetent i just have anxiety with things.

Game developers are typically expected to be self-taught in most things. Mentors can help guide you to topics you may not have considered, but it is still your own responsibility to learn and to apply the knowledge.

If you're looking for an actual teacher to spend time teaching you, that is what schools are for. You (hopefully) build a relationship with your teachers and they know where you need help, they have a study plan to ensure you get an understanding of all the topics.

If you're looking for books there are many books and web sites that can guide you. You're still expected to experiment and study on your own, but as guides they can be useful.

If you have specific questions about specific items those are perfect to ask after you've done your own searching. That's an area this site really shines.

If you need help with a specific concept explain what you've already searched for, what you've already tried, and what you don't understand. By knowing what resources you've already tried we can often suggest alternative resources or try to bridge the gap between your current level and what you've been reading and attempting. Note that this process really only works if you've done your own efforts at learning first, studying and experimenting on your own before asking.

I have a sort of anxiety when it comes to learning on my own. And having a teacher just makes the anxiety go away and makes things easier to learn.

I laughed pretty hard at this, really (thanks for that, by the way).

But then I read your whole post and you really reminded me of some of my friends.

Again that quote.

I have a sort of anxiety when it comes to learning on my own. And having a teacher just makes the anxiety go away and makes things easier to learn.

Do you know who says that??? Lazy people.

You have this "anxiety" because you encounter stuff that you can't understand yet. Welcome to life, you are one of the 10000000 people that have had this feeling, congratulations. Learning something on your own is hard, of course, you need to work your a*s off and sometimes it s*cks and you want to go out and do something, and all your friends are having fun and going to vacations, and it requires time, and most of the time it is not rewarding and it's slow and on and on, but having a teacher is easy, of course. Someone does the hard work for you, and you just sit and smile.

But after a teacher explains that stuff to you, something else will come up, and again, you won't know it, and you gonna need a teacher again, and then you have to pay again and again and again. There are thousands of different problems in game programming ( and in life ). And you can't pay for all of them.

Oh, yes, this sentence just blew me away:

Im not very rich and my job doesnt pay too well

Hidden meaning: Oh, I wish someone could explain me how to make 3d games, because there are only 10000 tutorials on the internet ( 5000 of them are for unity, and 2000 more on youtube ) and 20000 free source codes available for download of all the games I want, but I really wish someone could understand me and help me, because I don't want to put too much pressure on my brain. So I'm gonna say I don't have money and use his compassion to help me become a semi-bad programmer in the laziest way possible. GOOD JOB, MAN, really. Good manipulating skills, run for president.

I have so many friends like you with that 'loser' personality and sometimes I get really pissed off.

If you really want something, you will find a way, doesn't matter what it takes. There are plenty of free tutorials and books and everything online. We are the luckiest people nowadays, we have internet, we have the world in our computers, and 70-80% of the information worldwide screams "for beginners".

We are all beginners at something. First you gonna be beginner at c++, then beginner at games design, then beginner at 3d graphics, then beginner at networking, AI, physics, maths, game engines and so many other things. The people who learn will always be beginners at something, so get used to it.

If you can't understand anything, dissect the problem, find a way, make it done.

Actually, what I think you do here, is trying to lie to yourself that you do everything, so later you can say: Oh, I wrote posts on internet, Oh, I asked so many people, Oh, I studied hard, but it was too difficult, and I didn't have luck, oh, my father wasn't some rich guy, I didn't have money to pay for a teacher, I just wasn't lucky with my life, it wasn't my fault and cry to your mommy's shoulder, because you are lazy but you can't admit it.

EVERYTHING in your life is your fault. If lightning strikes you, it's YOUR f*ckin fault. If you really care about something, you know in your heart that you will try and try until you succeed. You don't give too much sh*t about obstacles and you never choose the easy way ( pay for teachers, pay for this, pay for that, make someone else do it instead of you, wait for something to happen ), because if you want to be proud of something, it needs to be earned the hard way.

Two quotes from Henry Ford for you:

"Obstacles are those frightful things you see when you take your eyes off your goal."

“Whether you think you can, or you think you can't--you're right.”

( sorry for rage, I hope there are other people who ask for teacher on the internet and see this post, because I spend 30 minutes on it, and I hate lazy people )

While your post is a bit harsh, the underlying sentiment is accurate, I think.

Doing something different, learning, experimenting, it takes a certain amount of guts.

There can be fear if you don't know what you are doing.

The amount of fear varies by individual, but trying anything new can cause a bit of anxiety. Trying different food, exploring a different route, getting a new job, going to a new school, meeting someone on a blind date, whatever is new and different can be a cause for anxiety.

To nekoluffy who wrote it originally, this is something to overcome.

Programming is all about overcoming obstacles and overcoming the fear of doing something unknown. Every day I look at my task list, start at the top, and figure out a way to solve the problem. I verify the code, submit the code, and look at the next task as a new barrier that needs to be overcome. Some are more mundane than others, but every one of them is a new task, something I've probably never solved before, something that could cause anxiety. When projects go bad and tasks get harder, the anxiety rises to go with it.

It gets back to good programmers doing much of the learning by themselves. Explorers start by exploring, and get better as they learn what works and what doesn't. Programmers too start by programming and experimenting on their own, getting better as they learn what works and what doesn't.

Programming is an applied science. Like experimental chemistry, sometimes you need to throw the ingredients in the pot and see if it goes boom. Sometimes it will, sometimes it won't, the only way to know for certain is to try it.

While your post is a bit harsh, the underlying sentiment is accurate, I think.

But I'm a pissed off teenager, I'm supposed to be harsh.... -_-


I would say that the Unity documentation is pretty great for learning.

I had some very minor experience in programming when I started (I knew the basics, like loops, conditions, statements, variables) and basically all I used to learn Unity was the Unity Scripting Reference. Over the years I maybe checked a YT tutorial once or twice but the Ref is all I need. Most of the instructions comes with example so it's even better to understand.

Hi my name is Daniel and I am looking for someone to help teach me. I already know the basics but when it comes to making games I run into various problems. And It just gets a little overwhelming for me. I have a sort of anxiety when it comes to learning on my own. And having a teacher just makes the anxiety go away and makes things easier to learn.

If anyones interested in helping me. Im willing to pay 5 or so an hour. Im not very rich and my job doesnt pay too well. But i could really use the assistance I would prefer a teacher that would assist me with my current game ideas and teach me as i go. Explain codes to me and how or why it does what it does. Im not incompetent i just have anxiety with things.

I want to make an endless runner

a candy crush type game

a sims type game

a click to move action/rpg (diablo)

and a 3D rpg action adventure (hack and slash)

I would love assistance with this.

Don't worry, bro. As soon as I find someone who can make those games for $5 an hour, I'll first pay him to make each of those games for me, and then I'll refer him to you.

Use the internet before paying someone to do stuff "for" you.

There are tons of tutorials on how to do those things online, you just need to use google.

At least before paying someone to do stuff for you, try it yourself and be patient while doing so.

If there's something you don't understand even after googling or watching videos, you can always leave a post on forums like this one.

I watch this guy a lot the I learned Unity :

And also, instead of learning how to make specific games, try to learn in all different areas.

I know my first game wasn't really a game, just something I threw everything I made in, and then used what I learned there to make a game.


I want to make an endless runner
a candy crush type game
a sims type game
a click to move action/rpg (diablo)
and a 3D rpg action adventure (hack and slash)

I would love assistance with this.

I can understand you feel overwhelmed, those are not small games. Even for an experienced programmer they will take a lot of time.
Instead of aiming for these games at this time, you might want to take more smaller steps instead, and start to make smaller games first. is often used a guide to the first games.

Smaller games are easier to manage, they give a result more quickly, and if things don't work out, repairing is relatively simple.
With each game, your experience grows.

You might see failing as something to avoid, since that is how our society sees failure. We should all be winners all the time, right?
Well, you can be.

Instead of aiming for the end-product (the game software), aim for learning how to make games. Each attempt that you do will learn you something, so you always win, even if the end-product is hopeless.

I have been learning how to make software for many many years, and I am great in failing :)
I found that a failure gives me much more insight in what I can improve in making software than a success.
In other words, if things don't work as you expect, you gain a lot more knowledge about how things work.

I exploit this by doing an analysis after a failure. I ask myself, "right, my idea didn't work, but why?", "where did I make the wrong turn?", "what didn't I see coming?"
That usually points me to the thing I missed. Then I make a new (hopefully) cunning plan that avoids the trap I just walked into, and I try again.

Just don't give up. Think of another way to reach what you want, and try again. At worst, you run out of new ways to approach the problem, in which case you park it in the back of your mind as "to be solved at a later time".

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