
And the Best President for America is…

Started by April 09, 2016 02:42 PM
73 comments, last by 3Ddreamer 8 years, 4 months ago

Traitors in education, media, and government are being served notice by the American public: We are not only watching you. We want you gone!

In reality, there has never been a large nation which was truly isolated. We're not talking about isolation.

What the public wants is self-determination, constitutional governance, direct representation of the will of the people, and ownership of USA assets by American citizens. We don't want our nation sold to the world like a street whore to any and all comers anymore.

Personal life and your private thoughts always effect your career. Research is the intellectual backbone of game development and the first order. Version Control is crucial for full management of applications and software. The better the workflow pipeline, then the greater the potential output for a quality game. Completing projects is the last but finest order.

by Clinton, 3Ddreamer

We don't want our nation sold to the world like a street whore to any and all comers anymore.

Who is we?

Americans who take the interpretation you have taken, may or may not be the majority, the polling day would tell. But don't take "we" for all Americans.

Not all Americans believe the US is sold to the rest of the world like a street whore.... They see the rest of the world as partners... and you do business with your partners. Somethings you stronger with and somethings your partners are better at. That's how partnership works. And because for every country there are always more of the other countries, there is the illusion that "they are bullying us..."

Late EDIT: BTW i'm not American

can't help being grumpy...

Just need to let some steam out, so my head doesn't explode...


What the public wants is self-determination, [...], direct representation of the will of the people

No thanks.

Parts of Ancient Greece tried mob-mentality rule, and it was terrible. It just means whoever is the most charismatic sways the people one day, and someone more charismatic sways the people the next day.

The early United States was intentionally set up to not have direct representation, but put buffers between government and mobs.

We have a corruption problem. We have a bloated bureaucracy problem. We have a big business problem. We have a big government problem. We have a two-party absolutism problem. Adding a foaming-at-the-mouth mob problem (either in addition to, or in replacement of) isn't the solution. The solution is to address the actual problems.

there's a reason that economics is often referred to as a "black art".

This following may interest some...

Every dollar issued, is a dollar owed. To make things more complicated, every dollar owed has interest owed on top of it. To pay the interest as well (and avoid your assets being taken back from you), you need to find more money than was actually issued. I call it a domino-effect of usury. This is why some people perceive 'money' as the root of all evil, but it is not the money itself.

The Lender, in this example, doesn't have or doesn't want to loan tangible assets (or services) to be traded. Instead, they take advantage of a privilege which is not awarded to the rest of the community. But rather than calling it 'counterfeit', they call it 'credit'. Left unchecked, the Lender, theoretically, can eventually claim ownership of everything. The 'elegance' of this system, however, is that the Lender does not have to micro-manage everybody. People will "Render unto [Lender]" autonomously.

Taxes are a different matter, yet can become just as insidious.

Because (currently) deflation will always be greater than inflation, more loans/extensions of credit are issued to keep the economy running. This is the "unsustainable" cycle, rarely talked about openly.

So, how do you remedy this domino-effect of usury?

It would require the Lender to demand less in return than it issued. Before you shout "That's impossible!", keep in mind that we are taking about money-created-from-nothing also known to the Lender as "credit". It would still be a mutually beneficial financial arrangement, but there would have to be strict conditions applied to prevent such a system from being taken advantage of. (Not that the current system isn't already being taken advantage of by the Lender.)

It's not a one-stop solution to everything, but it would be a very good start.

Ethically, 'odious' debt ought to be considered for forgiveness.

Email your congress(wo)man.

Did anyone read all that? Oh, they didn't? :(

Well.... long story put short....

I am done with supporting a political class which sells the USA to the world, wants NO Borders, loves unrestricted MASS immigration, and bypasses our USA Constitution with Globalism such as TPP (which never was put before the voters and Congress did not review it before it was approved).

For the previous and other betrayals by the traitors in the Capitol and the capitals of the states of this great union, I am voting

Donald Trump for President

Hillary Clinton for Prison

Bernie Sanders for the dust heap of Marxism history

Excellent caricature of a typical moron trump voter! Well played!

if you think programming is like sex, you probably haven't done much of either.-------------- - capn_midnight

What we have now in the USA is a ruling class which is bypassing due process, the USA constitution, and the will of the people. Added to this, most leaders in education, media, and government are lying to the public.

It is time for major change, not only in the USA but all Western Civilization which is being forced to "tolerate" traitors and invaders. The time of systematic rewarding of betrayals must end soon.

Personal life and your private thoughts always effect your career. Research is the intellectual backbone of game development and the first order. Version Control is crucial for full management of applications and software. The better the workflow pipeline, then the greater the potential output for a quality game. Completing projects is the last but finest order.

by Clinton, 3Ddreamer


there's a reason that economics is often referred to as a "black art".

This following may interest some...

Every dollar issued, is a dollar owed. To make things more complicated, every dollar owed has interest owed on top of it. To pay the interest as well (and avoid your assets being taken back from you), you need to find more money than was actually issued. I call it a domino-effect of usury. This is why some people perceive 'money' as the root of all evil, but it is not the money itself.

The Lender, in this example, doesn't have or doesn't want to loan tangible assets (or services) to be traded. Instead, they take advantage of a privilege which is not awarded to the rest of the community. But rather than calling it 'counterfeit', they call it 'credit'. Left unchecked, the Lender, theoretically, can eventually claim ownership of everything. The 'elegance' of this system, however, is that the Lender does not have to micro-manage everybody. People will "Render unto [Lender]" autonomously.

Taxes are a different matter, yet can become just as insidious.

Because (currently) deflation will always be greater than inflation, more loans/extensions of credit are issued to keep the economy running. This is the "unsustainable" cycle, rarely talked about openly.

So, how do you remedy this domino-effect of usury?

It would require the Lender to demand less in return than it issued. Before you shout "That's impossible!", keep in mind that we are taking about money-created-from-nothing also known to the Lender as "credit". It would still be a mutually beneficial financial arrangement, but there would have to be strict conditions applied to prevent such a system from being taken advantage of. (Not that the current system isn't already being taken advantage of by the Lender.)

It's not a one-stop solution to everything, but it would be a very good start.

Ethically, 'odious' debt ought to be considered for forgiveness.

Email your congress(wo)man.

Did anyone read all that? Oh, they didn't? :(

I was saddened to see my eloquent post superseded seconds after I posted it.

I probably can't stress enough the benefits of the suggestion mentioned above in my previous post.

I'm not trying to sound 'Utopian' here. It is a positive first step toward economic stability (and possibly environmental stability).

">100% Debt" is being sold as a good thing - your instincts probably say otherwise. That's the kind of deal that is detrimental to your wealth. It's like a black hole of finances.

It may be difficult to re-regulate "insatiable-greed" but an effort to try, must be made.

Being able to 'own' money (rather than always 'owing' it) would reduce the need for 'artificial' occupations (i.e. jobs that must be created for the sole purpose of providing an income) and provide an opportunity to allow a voluntary reduction in working hours without sacrificing an affordability of the cost-of-living just as automation 'naturally'/gradually takes over workload & work duties.

Feel free to copy and paste in your email to your representative(s) :wink: If you trust me enough to do that for you, then trust me when I say your communique would be far more influential/powerful than one sent by myself.


It's easy to be indifferent when you're financially sitting pretty, until the negative domino-effect becomes noticeable on a large scale. Please don't hesitate to message your representatives about the issues I have mentioned. (I promise not to hold my breath;-)

Please feel free to ask me a related question or try to stump the logic of my argument.

Question: How many people reading this realize that the USA has runaway debt? At 19 trillion dollars and soaring beyond control, it will never be repaid. Do you realize that the USA is moving toward bankruptcy?

Personal life and your private thoughts always effect your career. Research is the intellectual backbone of game development and the first order. Version Control is crucial for full management of applications and software. The better the workflow pipeline, then the greater the potential output for a quality game. Completing projects is the last but finest order.

by Clinton, 3Ddreamer

there's a reason that economics is often referred to as a "black art".

This following may interest some...

Every dollar issued, is a dollar owed. To make things more complicated, every dollar owed has interest owed on top of it. To pay the interest as well (and avoid your assets being taken back from you), you need to find more money than was actually issued. I call it a domino-effect of usury. This is why some people perceive 'money' as the root of all evil, but it is not the money itself.

The Lender, in this example, doesn't have or doesn't want to loan tangible assets (or services) to be traded. Instead, they take advantage of a privilege which is not awarded to the rest of the community. But rather than calling it 'counterfeit', they call it 'credit'. Left unchecked, the Lender, theoretically, can eventually claim ownership of everything. The 'elegance' of this system, however, is that the Lender does not have to micro-manage everybody. People will "Render unto [Lender]" autonomously.

Taxes are a different matter, yet can become just as insidious.

Because (currently) deflation will always be greater than inflation, more loans/extensions of credit are issued to keep the economy running. This is the "unsustainable" cycle, rarely talked about openly.

So, how do you remedy this domino-effect of usury?

It would require the Lender to demand less in return than it issued. Before you shout "That's impossible!", keep in mind that we are taking about money-created-from-nothing also known to the Lender as "credit". It would still be a mutually beneficial financial arrangement, but there would have to be strict conditions applied to prevent such a system from being taken advantage of. (Not that the current system isn't already being taken advantage of by the Lender.)

It's not a one-stop solution to everything, but it would be a very good start.

Ethically, 'odious' debt ought to be considered for forgiveness.

Email your congress(wo)man.

Did anyone read all that? Oh, they didn't? :(

I was saddened to see my eloquent post superseded seconds after I posted it.

I probably can't stress enough the benefits of the suggestion mentioned above in my previous post.

I'm not trying to sound 'Utopian' here. It is a positive first step toward economic stability (and possibly environmental stability).

">100% Debt" is being sold as a good thing - your instincts probably say otherwise. That's the kind of deal that is detrimental to your wealth. It's like a black hole of finances.

It may be difficult to re-regulate "insatiable-greed" but an effort to try, must be made.

Being able to 'own' money (rather than always 'owing' it) would reduce the need for 'artificial' occupations (i.e. jobs that must be created for the sole purpose of providing an income) and provide an opportunity to allow a voluntary reduction in working hours without sacrificing an affordability of the cost-of-living just as automation 'naturally'/gradually takes over workload & work duties.

Feel free to copy and paste in your email to your representative(s) :wink: If you trust me enough to do that for you, then trust me when I say your communique would be far more influential/powerful than one sent by myself.


It's easy to be indifferent when you're financially sitting pretty, until the negative domino-effect becomes noticeable on a large scale. Please don't hesitate to message your representatives about the issues I have mentioned. (I promise not to hold my breath;-)

Please feel free to ask me a related question or try to stump the logic of my argument.

You haven't covered the "why".

Why is a credit-based economy unsustainable when it's been working so well the past few decades?

Why is debt a problem?

Why would a lender ever agree to that idea?

Why should we regulate usury instead of letting the free market handle it?

To teach America a lesson for its stupidity!!??? That is some real self righteousness there my friend.

It’s an objective reality, and exclusionary to my sense of self. I’m unrelated to the fact that Bernie Sanders is objectively the best candidate. Apparently you think you are more than man since you can proclaim otherwise. You should probably check yourself before proclaiming something as self-righteous.
For me to agree with what is objectively true hardly makes me self-righteous. That’s like saying I am self-righteous for agreeing with gravity.

I am not of America. I observe from afar. I am uninfluenced by any form of politics. I objectively observe and hold no biases.
I vote objectively, not emotionally. I don’t have emotions. Math has determined that Bernie Sanders is the best candidate.
He does the best on domestic economy (as cannot be argued) and has a foreign policy largely akin to, “Stop messing with everyone’s fucking business,” which aligns with what the entire world wants.

During my last 12 years in Thailand, France, Malaysia, South Korea, Laos, Cambodia, England, and Japan, I can assure you that:
#1: Foreign policy is more relevant to…FOREIGNERS.
#2: Foreigners want America to mind its own fucking business. Are you tired of that “WORLD POLICE” meme yet?

Only morons hate on Sanders for a lack of foreign policy. A lack of foreign policy is objectively what the world wants. We’re tired of your shit. Get off our planet.

You have an objectively best candidate during the last 50 years on your plate, and if you don’t vote for him then you deserve to be punished.
I am unrelated. Self-righteousness can’t exist without a self.
You vote for Bernie or you get Trump. The choice is yours.

L. Spiro

I restore Nintendo 64 video-game OST’s into HD!

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