Briefly most classic RTS games hase predefined possibilities for each race, like Rise of Nations - each nations have some superpower units, cheaper technologies, etc. Cossacks is the same - Saxons have the best cavalry units, it is logically to choose Saxons because of that and to use these units. In other games like Company of Heroes it is similar, but here we have doctrines and "races". Generally these races or doctrines have some predefined (or few predefined possibilities).
But what if the player has nothing predefined - or almost nothing - and it depends on him what will be the race doctrine? For example - you start with good infantry: researching upgrades, researching new units, new abilities, etc, but later you add tank doctrine and start researching tanks and armoured machines - instead of aircraft, navy, science, artillery, etc. This will totally remove the idea for doctrines and maybe for races. The start will be usually the same but with good versatility later.
Is that too stressing?