One thing I'm seeing some developers doing on Android is churning out a variety of games using the same assets and general style, but which play quite differently.
While this won't necessarily help you break through the wall of indifference, it lets you churn out multiple games rather cheaply, increasing the odds that a potential customer stumbles upon one of your products. If they use and enjoy one product of yours, there's a good chance they'll look at all of them.
I'm doing something like this on PC, but via episodic gaming.
Each episode uses the same setting, assets and characters, but I experiment in each one. One episode may have an emphasis on combat, another may be a murder mystery...etc. The base idea remains the same, but I do variations on it.
What I find is that I appeal to different target markets this way, and just because one episode appealed to a player, it doesn't necessarily mean that they would want to try out different episodes. This is a bit of a double-edged sword if you rely on sales to fund the development of the full season, but thankfully I have the resources to do so.