psychology has the golden rule of "seven plus or minus two" as the number of things the average person can keep track of simultaneously.
The SIMs has always had a limit of 8. there may be design as well as technical reasons for that. even with robots its still 8, plus 8 pets i believe.
for many games where the player controls multiple characters, the limit is six for some unknown reason.
Caveman 1.0 had a limit of 10.
In Caveman 3.0 i've been experimenting with large bands. the limit is now up to 50, and i've run bands as large as 35 or so for an entire game year.
needless to say, the number will depend on game type. larger numbers for things like sports games, and smaller numbers for things like RPGs.
not caring because you have so many you cant keep track, and not caring because they are disposable are two very different things.
the important question is how many is too many to care about. if they are disposable, you can never have too many - cause they're cannon fodder. and you can never have too much cannon fodder.
the lower limit of the golden rule and the inner core from Dunbar coincide niecly at five.
add one disposable flunkey slot, and you get the typical six.
add three minor characters to your five major characters and you get a SIMS household of eight.
in Caveman (an open world sandbox stone age FPSRPG) characters' stats and skills define their usefulness to the band, and thus affect how attached you become to them. having played them for a long time also increases attachment above and beyond the attachment due to skills learned over that time. characters who have poor stats, few skills, and/or have not been band members for long are more disposable. in fact, many are recruited into the band as cannon fodder to guard the inner circle of long term band members i do care about.
i have a long term playtest game. i'll play the primary character for about a game year, then export to a new game and play for another game year. i'm now on my third year, and third game, and third band. the first and third bands were about a dozen each. the second one was the 35 member band.
one of the big things i noticed was that the more characters you control, the longer it takes to play, because more time is spent controlling the additional characters.
that was one motivation for the export to the third game, and starting a new band - getting something smaller than 35 members. i mean, imagine trying to keep a household of 35 SIMs busy all the time - its a lot of work! <g>.
in the third game, i'm down to 12 members (limit is still 50), but am considering cutting that number down to a smaller group i can really care about - probably more like 4 to 6 band members. you don't get as many warm fuzzies when a character you don't care as much about accomplishes something, so might as well spend your time on the characters you do care about whose accomplishments thrill you more.