a proposition
Sorry i didn''t put this in the proper forum, but i wanted a real audience.
You know, i am continuously getting surprised every time i discover a great link (from gamedev discussions or otherwise) and wonder how much is really out there... It''s too bad one has to individually find all this stuff... and sort it. It also sucks having to develop all the tools when they are already out there (I know, for the kicks, but...), in their top form, and free (a kinda of a motto of mine: anything already out there is way better than anything i can think of). An example: somewhere in the gamedev forums somebody provided a link to a website that had a free NURBS library (pretty complete).
So... I''d like to propose that GameDev.net keep a sort of a forum for links to subjects. People should be able to easily contribute links. That way, if a great link comes up, it doesn''t get buried in the daily messages.
Thanks for your attention.
uhm, we currently have 4 sections of the site dedicated to linking to other sites (the Code Vault, Resources, Links, and Other Sites). These are all going to be combined into a single section that will allow user submitted links (with moderation). I''m really reluctant to add any more forums; I think a section dedicated to it works better anyway.
makes sense.. cool, when will users be able to submit links?
The reason i wanted it to be a forum is of convenience. I''m sorta guessing that when people find great links they are reluctant to go all the way into some section on gamedev to add it... and probably forget it eventually... correct me if i''m wrong. On the other hand, while a person is checking out the board he/she might remember this great link they found, adding it would be a piece of cake. I guess you could advertise this feature in the forums.. just an idea.
The reason i wanted it to be a forum is of convenience. I''m sorta guessing that when people find great links they are reluctant to go all the way into some section on gamedev to add it... and probably forget it eventually... correct me if i''m wrong. On the other hand, while a person is checking out the board he/she might remember this great link they found, adding it would be a piece of cake. I guess you could advertise this feature in the forums.. just an idea.
Well, users can submit links to the existing sections easily via email. But once we get the new section, things will be easier. I agree, we ought to have some way of linking to other areas of the site from the board. Maybe someday. :-)
Admin for GameDev.net.
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