Hi all,
Another person looking for tutorials here! I'm applying to university to do a games programming degree and as an entry requirement must attempt to make a very simple game in C++ from scratch.
At first I worked in Unity (before I knew I must write my own 'engine') and managed to make a 3D copy of Breakout (largely from tutorials) and a simple 2D platformer (largely on my own).
I then read through Michael Dawson's Beginning C++ Through Games Programming and thoroughly covered all of the topics in that to make sure I had a good understanding of basic C++ (I had done Python and C# before).
After that I then followed this guy's tutorials for an introduction to OpenGL. I've finished this set of tutorials and he has a great set on game engines too... but it's in Java, not in C++.
I am completely and utterly stumped as to where to go to next. I'd like to make a very simple game in 3D (this for example) but I can't find any tutorials that take it this far, or they're in Java. Am I overshooting?
I am unemployed at the moment so can spend all of my time doing this and have until the beginning of April. Any help would be very much appreciated!