There seems to be always at least one "special person" in every openplan office that thinks walking around with their bluetooth headsets while on the phone is a good idea.
That would be okay if these people
a) would hang around the vincinity of their own desks while holding their extended phone powows with whoever about whatever, so they would only annoy their own teams (and the poor sods sitting next to their team).
b) wouldn't at the same time be unable to modulate their voices to a normal volume so that not the whole 1000m2 office has to overhear their chatting
c) would just sit down in a chair in the coffe corner while waiting for their coffe to be ready when they CANNOT WAIT for after the call to get another cup of their caffeine injection, instead of walking around the coffe corner like an animal in a cage and going on the nerves of everyone that has to sit next to the coffe corner.
Really, some days I wonder if these people really are blind to how obnoxious they are to everyone else in the office. I have had at least 3 people that did it in my openplan office room, and when one of them leaves (I always hope its because his manager got annoyed of him, and not because his colleagues "disposed him"), another one pops up within weeks.
Maybe they do it on purpose?
Yes, I have my big fat overear headphones to drown out office noise when I need to. But having to wear them all day because of some F***ers who cannot respect that other people also need to work is quite annoying. I could tell them they annoy the shit out of me of course... but by the time they have annoyed me enough, they usually already zipped by... and hunting these guys through the whole office, interrupting their oh so important call just to tell them to lower their voice or not move around while on the phone sounds like a lot of hassle for something that should be dead clear to everyone.
Am I the only one out there that is annoyed by that? Or is this common practice? Are there Bluetooth Headset addicts in every openplan office in the world?