I want to create a website with a few games
I am currently learning html but what language do i use to create the games? Java? And what other languages do i need to learn?
For games that run in the browser the popular choices are JavaScript; not to be confused with Java as they are two different languages and Flash/Action Script 3.
HTML5 is also a valid choice with Javascript. BrowserQuest is HTML5 with WebSockets I believe.
Flash is slowly being phased out bit by bit and generally only those who have been making flash games for many years and are resistant or unable to change are still making flash games.
Back in the day it was an Ok language for games that ran in the browser in fact it was generally your only choice.
These days it's unsupported on android, iPhone/ios, and a pain to keep updated and patched on windows.
Learn html5 and javascript instead.
Find modern examples and stay away from w3schools or take their examples with a large pinch of salt, as their examples are laden with bad practice and errors.
Good luck!
Games/Projects Currently In Development:
Discord RPG Bot | D++ - The Lightweight C++ Discord API Library | TriviaBot Discord Trivia Bot
Check this out it might suit your needs: http://superpowers-html5.com/index.en.html
edit - it uses a javascript superset.
-potential energy is easily made kinetic-
http://haxe.org/ can compile into C++, JS, Flash and few others from one 'base' source.
I had a rough experience with getting it up and running on Linux myself (some were really dumb like tar in a tar - someone packed the files twice) but I've seen very nice indie games done with it like Papers Please and Shattered Colony.
As for Flash itself - I really don't get the the Flash hate and HTML5 hype.
Should banners or pop ups or entire pages be made in Flash? No.
Does it work well on mobile? No.
Does it work well for the desktop. Yes.
Flash games are still extremely popular on Kongregate, ArmorGames and PlayTowerDefenseGames (and many more smaller sites).
They (at least Kong) allow HTML5 and Unity3D too but Flash is still the dominant technology there.
It'll probably never go away completely because that'd just KILL tens of thousands of games.
Well made, new and interesting games that often run well.
So if you like it and don't care about mobile then Flash is a valid choice at this point with a really solid choice of platforms where you can host a game for free and get ratings, comments and share in ad revenue.
The sites and playerbase will not disappear overnight because some tech journo bi*ches on Flash again and praises Jobs' anti-Flash letter (which is mainly about mobile, contains many half truths, was written by JOBS not an objective outsider and dismisses lack of Flash games with "we have App Store") and HTML5 for the millionth time.
The top game on Kongregate that has 3 million plays right now is a fresh one, uploaded in October last year.
Was luck involved? Almost certainly, but not more than it is involved in success on any other platform.
As for the HTML5 > Flash I keep seeing everywhere - it's a damn circklejerk to me at this point and HTML5 failed to deliver over and over again.
I don't know Flash, HTML5, Haxe, ect. so I'm speaking 100% from user perspective (I guess I'll be told I don't get how 'modern' HTML5 is now instead of being told that I cling to a bad technology because I'm unwilling to learn).
Until recently Firefox on Linux had no MSE and H264 so you got no top qualities available and the entire video buffering at once on YouTube.
Even now that it has these it still lags more than on Chrome.
I also just went ahead and look at the first game on http://playwebgl.com/ .
It gave me a slideshow on Firefox and ran smoothly on Chrome.
The game is laughably simple and I don't care if it's my old laptop (it runs all these "obsolete" 10x more complex Flash games fine, thanks for asking), Firefox or the game itself being coded badly (Chrome somehow can run YT and this game fine on my old machine).
Firefox is (supposedly) a major player on the browser market, not some niche browser, but HTML5 experience very often just sucks on it.
And it's not just my computer because HTML5 games run "okay" on it with Chrome (still worse than way more complex Flash ones though).
Does it work well on mobile? No.
Well, if you want to eexclude half your potential market, go right ahead. If it's just something for fun, it doesn't matter. If you want to get exposure or make money... Well, the choice is an easy one.
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Discord RPG Bot | D++ - The Lightweight C++ Discord API Library | TriviaBot Discord Trivia Bot