I currently have a problem designing a weapon type to be different more than the model, however, I have no idea how to approach this.
In my game, I have a weapon type, likes sword, axe, staff, mace, spear, knuckle, bow, xbow, etc... most are using same swing animation except spear, knuckle, bow, and xbow and hit sound effect are all different, while stats (damage, range, speed, damage type) being randomly assigned, also, all my attack only hit 1 target, never cleave through target.
Which create a problem that makes weapon type being the same, so I want to make each weapon type gives a different play style or, at least, something different than the others without forced that weapon type to specified roles (except melee or ranged), which may further create potential balance issues.
Most game I found either forced damage type, giving stats boost to specified weapon type or perks, however, I don't think it will go well with my game.
Any idea?