For several web projects I have been using php sessions to maintain a connection for the client. Now I am building a LibGDX app that communicates with the web and I'm wondering if I using sessions is still possible. I believe a php session is storing a server side cookie so in my theory this would still apply, I just have to save the session ID within the app and sent it when a request is made. However, since I do want things to be fairly secure I am worried about session hijacking. I could generate a fairly long session ID with high entropy to prevent this but and perhaps lock in the current IP of the user but I'm not sure if this is a valid way for a game. I really do not want any clients to be compromised.
Another way I can think of is checking credentials on each request, or at least each sensitive request. But then I need this to be automatically which means I need to store the credentials. I'm thinking of storing a encrypted version of the password locally and have the salt in the database. On the server side I will decrypt the password and verify it with BCRYPT again. This way whenever someones phone is compromised he still needs the salt in the database to see his password.