
A Game Theorist tries Game Design

Started by January 26, 2016 08:31 AM
11 comments, last by allnamestaken 9 years ago

But sometimes the niches can be surprisingly large.

like SIMTrek, top 10 download on AOL, way back in Q1, 1990. over 10,000 copies the first week, and this was before the web.

today with the web, an indie dev or studio can reach a much wider audience, making those niches just that much bigger. language (internationalization) is the only real barrier now.

so where before you might have said "if i like it at least a few other people will", now you might say "if i like it perhaps a few thousand other people will" - lets just hope they speak the language its published in. <g>

Norm Barrows

Rockland Software Productions

"Building PC games since 1989"


Survival generalist/preparation/caution vs making big name/prestige/risk

The people (across the history of humanity) we descend from at times were (often from luck) in the conservative mode or in the risks-taking mode (when those who 'stayed' got wiped out) which lead to their survial and perpetuating descendants.

--------------------------------------------[size="1"]Ratings are Opinion, not Fact

Yeah, I am only a proto-novice developer at best, but I've long decided that I'd like to simply make games that I want there to be games of, rather than whats popular and a sure success (It helps to see that many mainstream titles haven't been as successful as they have been by following the same old formula, even if they are still largely more successful than alot of indie titles).

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