
Sprite Sheet Need Help

Started by January 24, 2016 05:47 AM
10 comments, last by behdadsoft 9 years, 1 month ago

We've pointed you in the right direction. It's time for you to try and solve your problem again. Read through our posts and take another crack at it.

I know and thanks you Dragonsoulj that tried to fix my problem. but seem he is misunderstood because SetSpritePositionByOffset() dose not change Player Offset but it change the player position (x,y) according to offset. and when you try to multiply GetSpriteXByOffset(PBullet[a])+1.0*PlayerDirection, in face you changed player move direction.(mean if with Press Right arrow key the player already moved to right, now it's move to left).

My reason being I didn't see one for your player animation, just the bullet one. I was working with what I had. The same logic applies. If you flipped your bullet sprite sheet in the opposite direction because it needed to face the other way, you still have to flip the animation offset direction. The same with your player, so find your player animation offset and flip the direction.

OK, Thanks very much

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