
[java] Java 3D Game Engine Concept

Started by January 19, 2000 02:07 PM
2 comments, last by Jerry Lynn 25 years, 1 month ago
I have an idea for a Java game engine that I would like to throw out for comments. I want to develop a game engine in Java using the 3D-2D texture technique. Specifically, using the Java 3D API with all of the entities in the game represented as textures painted on 3D primitives. I figure this way I can take advantage of the features of the Java 3D engine – such as lighting, collision detection, 3D sound – in developing a psuedo tile based game engine in isometric perspective. I already know that my biggest limitation at this point would be the lack of animated texture support in the current revision of the Java 3D API. The engine would have to grow as the capabilities of the API did. Comments…? Criticisms…?
This kind of thing has been done, e.g. Populous the Beginning and Dungeon Keeper (the first one with D3D patch) use this kind of techniques. So there shouldn''t be anything wrong with this approach.

A whole different question is if Java 3D is suitable for this. The idea behind Java 3D was NOT to offer support for interactive games, but enable easy development of CAD like applications. Maybe using something like Magician OpenGL bindings would be a better idea.

But all depends on the type of game you are going to make. A turn based strategy game should be just fine, a RTS might be a bit pushing it and next Quake would definitely be out of the question with Java 3D.
-Pasi Keranen
I''m not sure of the concept about which you are speaking, but i''ve seen J3D do some things i didn''t believe it could. Check out and search for burning metal for a nice example of what i can do
At this point I am more interested in using the Java 3D API than I am in developing a viable engine, though from what I have seen in others'' examples a viable engine should be possible.

Either way it will be a good learning experience.

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