
Is C# viable for new game developers?

Started by January 21, 2016 12:37 PM
13 comments, last by Looniper 9 years, 1 month ago

XNA was a wrapper around a specific set of DirectX 9 technologies, coupled with a few portable utilities.

Monogame is an open source implementation. It is dead, or not dead, the same way DirectX 9 is either dead or not dead. It is not dead in that it continues to work just fine. It is dead in that it isn't getting updated to DX10 or DX11 or DX12.

You can continue to write software using DirectX 9-era tools and software if you choose. It was most viable when it was released, was still viable in 2007 or 2010 when people were asking if it was dead, and is still somewhat viable today in 2016. What you build with it will still work for years to come, but there are newer things available.

What are those "newer things available" ?

wicked250, on 21 Jan 2016 - 7:37 PM, said:

Dead or not... XNA / Monogame are great tools to ease the learning curve into game development. This will help to understand the game structure and how it all works and give you a good idea on how to write a game from scratch using DX9 or a library in SFML using C++. It is all up to you, but learning is never a bad thing.

Im with you, still a way to learn. I'm not against anyone, just need to improve myself.


To be honest if you are a new games developer it does not matter what language or framework you use. All that matters is that you just make games and have some fun.
Considering you are using C# at college then you may as well stick with for making your games.

Making games will improve will help with your college work and your college work will help with making your games.

As for frameworks again try a few and go with the one that you are most comfortable with. Don't listen to any advice that says "but, the pros use this language" or "thats not how we work in the industry" until you have at least learnt to make a game.

Once you have written a couple of simple games you can then think about changing language or framework to "what the pros use".

From yesterday to today was what I was wondering. I never got to complete a game, as I said am completely new in this regard. I wanted to start with the "best" framework, since the beginning, to getting used to. But I did not stop to think that is like programming. I have to learn to do, to later change the way I do ... If I choose something that i do not feel comfortable at first, may complicate me, or even discourage myself.

To be honest if you are a new games developer it does not matter what language or framework you use. All that matters is that you just make games and have some fun.
Considering you are using C# at college then you may as well stick with for making your games.

Making games will improve will help with your college work and your college work will help with making your games.

As for frameworks again try a few and go with the one that you are most comfortable with. Don't listen to any advice that says "but, the pros use this language" or "thats not how we work in the industry" until you have at least learnt to make a game.

Once you have written a couple of simple games you can then think about changing language or framework to "what the pros use".

From yesterday to today was what I was wondering. I never got to complete a game, as I said am completely new in this regard. I wanted to start with the "best" framework, since the beginning, to getting used to. But I did not stop to think that is like programming. I have to learn to do, to later change the way I do ... If I choose something that i do not feel comfortable at first, may complicate me, or even discourage myself.

This happens all the time. Before Unity and Unreal we were using Torque and Gamebryo and before that were were using IdTech and Source Engine. In a few years time something may come along and make Unity obsolete.
Your priority should be learning to make games not memorising how to use frameworks.

It is dead in that it isn't getting updated to DX10 or DX11 or DX12.

MonoGame works with D3D9, D3D11, OpenGL, and OpenGL|ES, and other APIs are being worked on. It supports various new APIs that were never present in XNA in order to stay modern and usable on today's platforms.

Sean Middleditch – Game Systems Engineer – Join my team!

I started learning how to make games. I plan to improve my skills with the right language.
I'm in the second year of Computer Science. Working with C # .NET.
I continue to learn C # and go for Unity or XNA or is there another language that will work best for me in the future because C # can be "outdated"? Please help.

XNA was shut down some time ago, but has its place -- consider it training wheels to learning Around some more difficult concepts, so that once you have more skill, you can remove it and write your own replacement.

C,... won't be Outdated in the era in which programming involves these languages.
By the time C is truly outmoded, we will be beyond the need to write code, and capable of describing a desire and having the machine produce that result.
(C#, C Net, and various other Easier variants of C will generally fade quickly as they are trying to fill 2 needs at once, and failing at both)

But if you intend to create games, you will need more than One programming language in your arsenal.

Ideally, you want to know..
At least 2 high level scripting languages for wrapping events in-game in your own work, demonstrating concepts quickly, and/or testing what others have written in the same.
Ruby and Lua come to mind

At least 1 Rapid Prototyping language, for placeholder work on the fly, concept work, etc.
Python or Java, or both

And Need that one core programming language for finished product work.
C being the popular choice.

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