
How to prepare for game programming from 10th grade?

Started by January 10, 2016 02:17 AM
13 comments, last by LAURENT* 9 years, 1 month ago

i am studying in the 10th grade , i wanted to ask that how can i prepare to become a game programmer from now on wards . Well, i only have the basic knowledge of computers , so please can you guys tell me which kind of preparation would help me.

Get a basic "how to program in (any language)" book, and start learning to program.
From now on, in school and college/university, you'll be responsible for your own learning. No one else is going to do a decent job of teaching you to program, so practice as much as you can.

Math classes are real important if you want to get into some subfields of programming so don't just get by in math.

Like Hodgman get a book on programming and learn from it. Also program, start small and work your way up... but no matter what code.

See if your school has coding classes, that might be good as well.

Any particular sub section of game programming in particular? Graphics for example.

-potential energy is easily made kinetic-

can you guys tell me which kind of preparation would help me.

Prepare to program by programming. Why would you do anything else?
Getting a book as mentioned above would be helpful, but you don’t even need to do that. I started with the TI-81 calculator I had at school and learned on my own.
There are trillions of tutorials online and plenty of languages. There is no reason you should be here asking this question rather than already programming something on some device in some language.

L. Spiro

I restore Nintendo 64 video-game OST’s into HD!

Make Pong.

What will you make?

I strongly recommend staying away from game engines (Those such as Game Maker Studio) at the beginning of your journey. They will make it seem like everything is easy. Pick up a programming language. I started with Java but some other goodies are Python, C#, and maybe even learn what the definition of a scripting language is and how it is used in conjunction with a programming language in terms of game programming.

I would also steer clear away from programming books until you decide whether or not programming is for you. There's no use in spending money when there are plenty of resources to be found online (For free!).

Resource List For You:

-Youtube (This is a big one. There are literally millions of programming videos. Some that even target game developers).

-Thenewboston (This started as a youtube channel but gained popularity and now it's widely known. This is where I started my journey with Java).

-GOOGLE (This may seem obvious but you'd be surprised how many times googling keywords and error messages has helped me in my journey). (This place is filled with geniuses and newbies alike, each with their own experiences that will give you insight whenever needed.)

I hope I was able to help you, good luck!

EDIT: I'm so sorry for the annoying over usage of the phrase "my journey".

you'll be responsible for your own learning. No one else is going to do a decent job of teaching you

i am studying in the 10th grade , i wanted to ask that how can i prepare to become a game programmer from now on wards

10th grade is about age 16, right? No need to prepare - jump right in and start learning game programming!

I first came to around age 16, superpig was already publishing a series of articles here at age 16. I'm sure others around here were a similar age when they started developing games.

Download Unity and take it for a spin, follow some tutorials from the internet/youtube, or study a free course from Udacity... There are just so many resources at your fingertips, it's up to you to take them and run with it (and if you are passionate about it, none of this stuff is hard to learn the basics).

Tristam MacDonald. Ex-BigTech Software Engineer. Future farmer. []

I'm right where you're at bro. I suggest getting a book or going to a good learning website like Codecademy. I wouldn't use game engines until you feel comfortable programming.

Just start by programming games.

It doesn't matter which language or framework you use just start making games any way that you are comfortable with.

Don't pay any attention to "what the pros use". Just use what feels good to you.

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