You can make a full game in Unreal Engine with all the needed logic and interactions using Blueprints. Blueprints is a great way to program for people who don't want to code. Go ahead and watch a few videos and see if it seems doable to you.
I second this, but it's still coding.
Just because youre dragging and dropping boxes into a flow chart and connecting them with lines, it doesn't mean it's not coding, it's just visual scripting.
You will still need to understand the maths concepts behind software, such as variables, arrays, loops and conditional branches, otherwise you will just fail to grasp the concept.
The very first time i tried to write a program in basic for example, when i was 12, i couldnt grasp the idea of "A = A + 1" and kept thinking i had to have a new variable each time, because in my mind "A = A + 1" didn't balance as algebra and made no sense due to the way it was taught in school.
As soon as i got used to the idea of variables being 'black boxes' for data storage (this is a great way for a newbie to grasp the concept by the way) it all made sense.
I suggest if you do want to create a game you learn the basics of programming even if you dont want to program. You'll need to communicate with programmers so it's best to speak a bit of their language, "pidgin-programmer" if you will. Lean the basics of flow charts, program flow, and loops, and you'll at least be able to express your ideas in a simple unambiguous way that a programmer will understand.
Good luck!