Hello! I have read some stuff on the web, but still couldn't get a clear answer/solution.
So i try to ask here. What would be the best approach for simulating game world consisting out of static mesh (tris) and not rotating spheres and capsules/cylinders
the requirements:
1) very stable, in sense no tunneling should occur at all (very fast moving objects will be present)
2) spheres should be able to slide around on mesh (and collide between each other) and behave like rigid physical objects should.
3) fast algorithms/approaches, cause i need to code it in lua. (some solves/algorithms may be simplified, the most important is to prevent tunneling)
from what i have found i tend to implement speculative contacts, but for now i have some issues with contact solver (i mean the right way to implement it, cause most papers etc cover more complicated cases with rotations etc, and it may be an overdo for my case)
appreciate any helpful input!