
Making bots with python

Started by January 07, 2016 12:31 AM
2 comments, last by Eck 9 years, 2 months ago

Can i make a bot that goes to random pages of a site and when encounters something on that page, clicks on it and then does the same thing over and over again in python? I assume python would be the kind of language this could be built in, if there are better solutions please tell me.

Well, I guess you should elaborate more what you want to achieve with that. As you can see from the -1, people are jumping to conclusions just from reading your vague question and thread title.

When I opened the Thread I thought you maybe want to write a bot to cheat in a game (a no-no for me as a gamer, and a no-no for me as a game dev... though I wouldn't go as far as -1 you for it).

Now I am thinking you want to write some script for a DoS attack... again, not something I would like to help you doing.

Maybe you just want to generate bogus traffic for someones webpage? Slightly less shady, still not sure if many people are ready to support you on that...

And this are just the first three things I guessed you might be doing from the top of my head... someone with a more vivid fantasy might come up with even more sinister plans you might want to execute with your "bot".

Anyway, depending on what you want to achieve, there might be different languages that are "better" suited for it (though I am pretty sure you can almost anything in any language, so the question might be moot anyway). Please give more specifics about your use case so both people CAN give you better recommendations, and hopefully also feel a little better doing so (because I hope you neither want to cheat in a game nor mess up someones webserver).


Well, I guess you should elaborate more what you want to achieve with that. As you can see from the -1, people are jumping to conclusions just from reading your vague question and thread title.

When I opened the Thread I thought you maybe want to write a bot to cheat in a game (a no-no for me as a gamer, and a no-no for me as a game dev... though I wouldn't go as far as -1 you for it).

Now I am thinking you want to write some script for a DoS attack... again, not something I would like to help you doing.

Maybe you just want to generate bogus traffic for someones webpage? Slightly less shady, still not sure if many people are ready to support you on that...

And this are just the first three things I guessed you might be doing from the top of my head... someone with a more vivid fantasy might come up with even more sinister plans you might want to execute with your "bot".

Anyway, depending on what you want to achieve, there might be different languages that are "better" suited for it (though I am pretty sure you can almost anything in any language, so the question might be moot anyway). Please give more specifics about your use case so both people CAN give you better recommendations, and hopefully also feel a little better doing so (because I hope you neither want to cheat in a game nor mess up someones webserver).

I didn't think people will see me as an evil bastard for not specifying what i wanna do with the bot. I do not want to screw up anyone in anyway and neither cheat at a game, i don't even know where and if i'm gonna use this script. I just wanna know if there are some things that i can automate using a script. If you can, just an "yes" or "no" would be enough.

Alright. Can you automate stuff with a script?


EckTech Games - Games and Unity Assets I'm working on
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The Shilwulf Dynasty - Campaign notes for my Rogue Trader RPG

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