I know you might be eager to leap straight into a visual game, but put that aside for a while and focus your efforts into learning how to program, first. Once you know the basics(text, input, files, conditions & loops) then proceed to write a text-based game.
Yes, it will take time and some patience, but it'll be well worth it. If you can find value in just variables, condition statements and loops then you will know for sure that you are a game developer at heart. Give yourself as much time as you need for this and most importantly, have fun with it! Not only are you learning the prized skill of programming, you are also able to flex your imagination, even if the output is just limited to text on the screen.
I usually recommend C( not C++ ) as a first language, but you can actually use any that you are comfortable with; Python is a very popular choice with beginners, for instance.
Whatever you decide to do, I hope you at least have fun!