I am using unity 3d and rolling my own semi physical vehicle physics.
Is taking the Inertia Tensor magnitude a legitimate way to find angularAcceleration?
Vector3 angularAcceleration = torque / myRigidbody.inertiaTensor.magnitude;
I am using unity 3d and rolling my own semi physical vehicle physics.
Is taking the Inertia Tensor magnitude a legitimate way to find angularAcceleration?
Vector3 angularAcceleration = torque / myRigidbody.inertiaTensor.magnitude;
inline float GetInertia (const sVec3 &localaxis, const float Ixx, const float Iyy, const float Izz)
sVec3 axis = localaxis;
axis[0] /= Ixx;
axis[1] /= Iyy;
axis[2] /= Izz;
return 1.0f / axis.Length();
So, four your example you need:
vec3 axis = torque.Unit();
vec3 localAxis = body.orientation.Unrotate(axis);
float inertia = GetInertia (localaxis, body.inertiaTensor.x, body.inertiaTensor.y, body.inertiaTensor.z);
vec3 angularAcceleration = torque / inertia;
What does body.orientation.Unrotate() do?
Am I right in thinking that body.orientation.Unrotate() takes a eulerAngle and returns the difference between the rigidbody’s rotation and said axis?
What does body.orientation.Unrotate() do?
The correct way is to multiply the torque vector by the inverse of the world-space inertia tensor for the object. You should precompute the object-local inverse inertia tensor, then transform it to world space on each frame via a similarity transform: R' * I^-1 * R where ' is the transpose and R is the rotation matrix.
The correct way is to multiply the torque vector by the inverse of the world-space inertia tensor for the object. You should precompute the object-local inverse inertia tensor, then transform it to world space on each frame via a similarity transform: R' * I^-1 * R where ' is the transpose and R is the rotation matrix.
inline sVec3 ConvertTorqueToAngAcc (sVec3 &torque, sMat4 &matrix, float Ixx, float Iyy, float Izz)
sVec3 angAcc = matrix.Unrotate (torque);
angAcc[0] /= Ixx;
angAcc[1] /= Iyy;
angAcc[2] /= Izz;
return matrix.Rotate (angAcc);
The difference is:Unity gives me
1: Quaternion inertiaTensorRotation : The rotation of the inertia tensor.
2:Vector3 inertiaTensor : The diagonal inertia tensor of mass relative to the center of mass.
I assume that I should rotate the inertiaTensor by the inertiaTensorRotation.
Using a matrix may work if its true that.
Matrix4x4 m = Matrix4x4.TRS(rigidbody.centerofmass, rigidbody.inertiaTensorRotation, rigidbody.inertiaTensor);
I guess I will need to test this out.